When the statute of limitations for sexual abuse came up before one California woman could work up the courage to report her abuser, she took the matter into her own hands. A California woman identifying herself as Jamie, claiming that a teacher had molested her, said she recently found the teacher's phone number and confronted her. Jamie taped the whole conversation.

The now-28-year-old Jamie claims the abuse began when she was just twelve years old. Her video of the confrontation, posted on Friday, has already garnered over 397,000 views on YouTube. "The stature of limitations has already run out," Jamie explains in the video, "so she gets away with everything that she has done. So I decided I'm going to call her to get some answers from her."

The former teacher, who is now an assistant principal at a high school, seems understandably shocked at the voice from the past. "I was only twelve years old when I met you," Jamie tells her. "Do you realize that you brainwashed me and manipulated me and that what you did was wrong?"

Though no one has confirmed whether the woman on the other end of the line is truly the former teacher, many news outlets have linked the video's spread to the resignation of a local vice-principal. The Los Angeles Times reports:

Alhambra Unified School District Superintendent Laura Tellez-Gagliano said school staff received an email with a link to the video on Friday and immediately reported it to the Alhambra Police Department.

Alhambra police contacted Jamie and verified the authenticity of her claims in the video before referring the complaint to the Riverside Police Department, according to a news release.

Later that day, Tellez-Gagliano said, Alhambra High School's vice principal of student services, Andrea Cardosa, resigned.

Full video below.