Police say they arrested a Utah woman named Crispi for trying to burn her ex-boyfriend's house down with a flaming pile of bacon.

The ex-boyfriend called the police on 31-year-old Cameo Adawn Crispi, after she sent him multiple unwanted phone calls and texts. When police arrived on the scene, there was smoke coming out the front door and a smell of crispy bacon in the air.

"I asked to come in and observed a wood stove left open with a fire burning inside and hot coals on the floor around the stove," the officer wrote. "I observed the burner to be on the setting 'High' and the bacon to be severely burned and smoking badly."

Officers stopped the stove fire and Crispi was arrested and booked on a litany of charges, which did not, but should have included, burning the bacon.

[image via Shutterstock]