Karen Marie Dilworth was arrested by police at her Ormond Beach, Fla. home after neighbors allegedly saw her sitting atop her motorcycle in her garage, masturbating. Amongst the audience was a neighbor's 13-year-old son.

According to the police report obtained by the Daytona Beach News-Journal, neighbors arrived home to find Dilworth, 50, allegedly masturbating in her garage. The 13-year-old's mother apparently yelled to another neighbor about the sight before them and that neighbor shouted to Dilworth to close her garage door.

Their protests apparently met with no response, neighbors called police, who charged Dilworth with lewd/lascivious exhibition by a person over 18 on a person under 16. She was released from Volusia County Branch Jail on $1,000 bail and reportedly declined comment to the News-Journal.

[Image via Volusia County Corrections]