Real estate in cities where you might want to live is expensive again. The gulf between expensive and inexpensive cities is large. It's time to accept the fact that you can't buy a house where you want to live, and start thinking about where you can buy something.

Wouldn't it be fun to live in Hawaii, or the coastal cities of California, or The Big Apple? It sure would. That's why they're America's most expensive housing markets. Forget them. We all know humans cannot afford to live in those places. You're sick of the media telling you where you can't buy a home. Where can you buy a home?

1. Farmland. "Farmland prices in Iowa fell 3% over the second half of last year, and those in Nebraska fell 1%." You can put a big old house on a farm.

2. Fiji. "After a few difficult years following the country's 2006 military coup and the global economic slowdown, Fiji is back on the upswing." A vacation home lot is less than a 1BR apartment in Bed-Stuy!

3. A vacant foreclosed home. "If there is no written lease, you need to provide the tenants with at least 90 days' notice." Squat, move, squat again. See the country.

4. A "ghost city" in China. "Under-occupied cities, where vast sums of money has been spent on real estate projects that then generate insufficient income to service the enormous debts." Spacious.

5. 508 West Washington Ave, Artesia, New Mexico. Affordable. Comes with garage.

Unfortunately you cannot afford to live anywhere else.

[Photo: Flickr]