Photo: AP

Hollywood actor Tim Robbins—a Trojan horse sent by the Clintons to spoil Bernie Sanders’ chances in Guam, a well-meaning, beautiful idiot, or something else entirely? Let’s review.

Robbins maligned the Micronesia territory’s macro-nesia sense of pride this week when at a Bernie Sanders rally, calling Clinton’s win in the South Carolina primary “about as significant” as winning in Guam, which has 11 delegates. South Carolina carries 39.

And not that it matters to Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, but Guam is now officially With Her.

“I am deeply disappointed by remarks made today by Tim Robbins at a campaign rally for Sen. Bernie Sanders that used the inability of the people of Guam to vote for president as a political punch line,” Guam Delegate Madeleine Bordallo said in a statement, The Politico reports. “These remarks are an insult to our community and they trivialize the disenfranchisement of our people in selecting our president. As a candidate for president of the United States, Sen. Sanders and his campaign should be working to be inclusive of all Americans, regardless of where they live.”

Guam votes May 7. The results will surely be reported somewhere.