Toni Holt Kramer celebrates Trump’s Mississippi primary victory at Trump National Golf Club in March. Photo: AP

Toni Holt Kramer, a former talk-show host and society columnist, is the founder of the Trumpettes, a Palm Beach, Florida-based women’s group supporting Donald Trump—not to be confused with Trumpette, which is a company that makes baby clothes. Kramer is also, by her own account, a long-time friend and campaign contributor to Hillary Clinton.

A biography posted on her personal website describes the socialite’s first weekend in Washington, D.C., when Kramer apparently attended both George W. Bush’s inauguration party and also the last party the Clinton’s threw at the White House.

It was a pivotal moment for Toni, and her relationship with Hillary has flourished over the years to a close, personal bond. Toni has even hosted luncheons and fundraisers at her Bel Air home for her friend, decorating the events in Hillary’s favorite color, yellow.

Toni’s affinity for political pursuits might be traced back to her Great Grandfather, who was the financial advisor and best friend of Tzar Alexander III of Russia.

Between 2004 and 2008, FEC filings show, Kramer contributed $16,400 to Hillary Clinton and associated super PACs.

The biography for Kramer on the Trumpettes website uses similar language to that quoted above, but is slightly more reserved, and excises the detail about “Hillary’s favorite color.” A cached version of the group’s origin story—since replaced with Kramer’s revised biography—offers an account of how Kramer and three other women were inspired to start the Trumpettes while attending “an annual Animal Humane Association event with our dear friend Lois Pope, whose Board we all sit on, called LIFE.”

“The four of us decided we needed to do something to make sure Donald J. Trump becomes President, so at 7.00 p.m. that evening, The Trumpettes were born,” the now-removed description read. So far in this election cycle, however, Kramer has only made one contribution, donating $150 to the Clinton campaign on December 16—just three days after the Palm Beach Daily News ran an item announcing the establishment of the Trumpettes. Kramer has not, apparently, made any contributions to the Trump campaign.

Credit: Toni’s Photo Gallery

In a column Celebrity Society’s 40th Anniversary issue, Kramer—a regular contributor to the magazine—waxes nostalgic: “Over the years in my travels back and forth to Washington from Los Angeles, the Clinton years gave way to the George W. Bush years, followed by my dear friend, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s magnificent run for the presidency and now—can it be—yes, it can—Obama has been in the White House over a year. Enough said. Enough for most of us.”

Kramer’s website references a memoir titled Hollywood, Hillary & Me. Her co-writer, George Arthur Bloom, told Gawker that the book’s new title is My Men, My Mother & Me. It will be self-published through iUniverse in July, he said. Kramer, meanwhile, was “out at a luncheon” when Gawker called her at home.