One day before he began scaling the building with the aid of powerful suction cups, the Trump Tower climber appears to have posted a video on YouTube announcing his plan to Donald Trump.

The video, titled “Message to Mr. Trump (why I climbed your tower)” and uploaded on Tuesday, shows a man who bears a striking resemblance to the climber looking off-camera as he explains his actions.

“I’m an independent researcher seeking a private audience with you to discuss an important manner,” says the man in the video. “The reason I climbed your tower was to get your attention. If I sought this via conventional means, I would be much less likely to have success, because you are a busy man with many responsibilities.”

“As for anyone else who’s watching,” the man continues, “please help this video go viral so that it gets to Mr. Trump and be sure to get out and vote for Mr. Trump in the 2016 election.”

According to CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz, the man climbing Trump Tower told police that his name is “Steve” and that he’s from Virginia.