Photo: AP

This weekend, Gawker pal Anthony Scaramucci was in Park City, Utah, trying to raise money for Donald Trump by warning Romney Republicans that if they don’t support their party’s presumptive nominee they might end up with Gary Busey on the Supreme Court.

Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus and various Trump allies were in Utah to meet with 300-odd members of the GOP elite at a three-day ideas festival hosted by Mitt Romney. “I love what this country is built upon, and its values—and seeing this is breaking my heart,” Romney told attendees, the Associated Press reports.

Though he has taken a somewhat roundabout path to supporting Trump—he first endorsed Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, and then Jeb Bush—Scaramucci is wholeheartedly working to unite the party behind him. From BuzzFeed News:

“We need your wisdom,” he told a skeptical Republican, suggesting Trump would like his advice.

Then Scaramucci tried a harder sell.

“Let me ask you one other question,” he said. “What if he wins?”

“Do you want Sean ‘Puffy’ Combs to be the secretary of state and Gary Busey to be on the Supreme Court?”

This, Scaramucci suggested, is what Republicans can expect if they don’t get on the Trump Train now. (Combs and Busey — who Trump fired in 2013 on Celebrity Apprentice — support Trump. However, the candidate’s actual appeal to Republicans is how very very responsible he will be about Supreme Court appointments.)

The hedge fund manager deployed all sorts of pop culture references on the weekend. “I feel like Jon Snow, trying to get the Wildlings to team up with the kings of the castles,” he told the Washington Post.

Recalling his conversations with establishment Republicans, Scaramucci said: “Your father just got slayed by your uncle, whom you don’t really like, and your uncle is now in charge. You’ve got the White Walkers descending from the north and they’re coming to hunt you and all the living. What do you do? Do you fight with your uncle or band together and fight the White Walkers?”

Later, he turned towards 20th century history. “If Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt could get together to defeat Adolf Hitler, we can end the schism in our party,” Scaramucci said. “We’ve got to change the rhetoric and the nonsense that’s going on in the party right now. We have to unify this party.”

Meanwhile, Trump lashed out at Romney in Tampa on Saturday, calling him “poor, sad, Mitt Romney” and a “stone-cold loser.” Romney, he said, “choked like a dog.” (?)