You’re looking at the face of resurgent mainstream white hatred in the United States—it listens to Slipknot*, daydreams about appearing on an MMA-based reality competition show, smells like cocktail made of Mountain Dew, cough syrup, and creatine, and thinks anyone who appears to be Mexican should “BUILD THAT FUCKIN’ WALL... FOR ME!”

It was not that long ago that walking down the street with your shirt off screaming “GO FUCKIN’ COOK MY BURRITO BITCH” at suspected Mexican-Americans was frowned upon, but today it’s just part of the electoral discourse, thanks in large part to the ascendance of Donald Trump and his popularity among the “X-Games Klan Sympathizer” cohort. The above video was recorded last week and sent to us by photographer Eric Rosenwald, who attended a Trump rally in Phoenix, AZ.

You can read all summaries in the world of Trump’s various policy stances, such as they are—building a wall, trade isolationism, immigration bans—but none of it will be as illuminating as a shirtless white guy turning red with fury, arteries bulging, screaming the word “TRUMP” over and over again into the faces of American Latinos in a state of apoplexy.

Update: Former Gawker editorial assistant Max Read pointed out that the gentleman in the video above has a tattoo of the number 43, which according to the Anti-Defamation League is commonly received by members of the white supremacist hate group Supreme White Alliance.

Correction: Max Read was a former Gawker night editor, not editorial assistant. I regret the error.

*Editor’s Note: This post suggests, without evidence, that the man depicted in this video listens to Slipknot. While he may indeed enjoy the aggressive musical stylings of the popular alternative-metal mainstays, we did not intend to imply that he is representative of the fanbase of Slipknot as a whole, nor even the nu-metal community, which is largely made up of decent Americans who share a love of shredding, monster riffs, and cathartic lyrical expressions of pain and frustration. We apologize to Slipknot. —AP