Boyz II Men: one of the most beloved R&B groups of our youth, whose songs provided the soundtrack to the vast majority of the slow dances, graduations, and funerals of the 1990s. What are those guys up to now?

Man—remember the haunting power of "End of the Road?" Also, do you remember the destruction of the music industry's business model? And do you remember the timeless tendency of capitalism to inexorably consume and repurpose art for its own hollow ends? If so, you'll never guess what Wendy's™ has in store for its new Pretzel Bun™ marketing campaign! Ad Age reports:

This time around, Wendy's is hoping to capitalize on some 80s and early 90s nostalgia, said chief marketing officer Craig Bahner...

Boyz II Men will make an appearance in Times Square July 9, where they'll sing some pretzel love songs, and will be featured in the second music video.

Living the dream.

[Photo: AP]