Image: AP

Of the more than 200 pages of opposition research seemingly compiled by the DNC to nail Trump, the vast majority is underwhelming at best. One entry, though, almost makes all that trouble worth it: The fact that presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump doesn’t believe in heaven.

In a Chicago Tribune article from 1989 (which Buzzfeed actually discovered just under a week ago), Donald Trump reveals that he “doesn’t believe in reincarnation, heaven, or hell.” As far as the DNC is concerned, though, it’s Trump’s apparent lack of faith in God’s eternal kingdom, specifically, that’s damning enough for use as ammo.

This, of course, would go against the official beliefs of the Presbyterian church, a church that Donald Trump insists he belongs to. As the one-time denier of heavenly rewards said back in October, “I’m Presbyterian. Can you believe it? Nobody believes I’m Presbyterian. I’m Presbyterian. I’m Presbyterian. I’m Presbyterian.”

The dossier also nails Trump for flip-flopping on his heaven-related beliefs since entering the Presidential race. In November, when asked if Trump believed in such a place, Trump offered a definitive “yes” before adding that he hopes to go there.

One thing the DNC fails to note, however, is that America has been down this road before, with Alex Malarkey, the little sinner who lied to the world about dying and going to heaven—and from whose downfall Donald Trump has apparently learned nothing.

There’s still always the possibility that the DNC has some deeper, darker dirt hidden away (and god knows there has to be something out there), but judging from what we’ve seen so far, this is about as good as it gets.