Nightmares really do come true in San Diego, where at any given moment a five-foot-long snake could just emerge from from the sewage line and into your toilet—it happened once this week, it could happen again, oh my god.

The horror story reportedly went down at a downtown PR and marketing firm, where an executive noticed the water levels looked high and began plunging the toilet. According to a statement later released by employees of the "chic PR [snake toilet] firm," the giant snake just popped out of the bowl and started slithering towards the woman.

Animal control officers eventually found the snake cowering behind the toilet, but it didn't stay shy for long—the handler got bit during the recovery.

Hahah did you plan on sleeping tonight? Hope you don't live near a plumbing system!

It was not clear how the reptile ended up in the toilet, but it's "not completely unusual" for animals to enter plumbing systems, especially in rural areas or in old buildings with stone foundations, according to the PR firm's release.