Meet Kenneth Klee. Klee is the senior partner at Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern, a high-powered bankruptcy law firm based in Los Angeles. He charges around $1,000 an hour—for legal advice. For energy healing, he only charges a tenth of that.

Yes, on his downtime, Klee, who "wrote the book on U.S. bankruptcy law," as the Wall Street Journal's Michael Corkery writes, heals people. With crystals, oils, a tuning fork, and a fish fossil. And also energy.

"I am just a vessel," said Mr. Klee, sitting in his office on the top floor of a 39-story skyscraper with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean. "I just bring through this energy.'' Mr. Klee said he heals some people by removing bad energy and infusing them with better vibrations. [...] He infused his law partner, who was the principal author of the bankruptcy examiner's report on Tribune in 2010, with "liquid living crystal."

At a recent healing, Mr. Klee told an electrical contractor that the man's sorrow came from his past life as a woman who had lost a baby in childbirth. Mr. Klee placed a tray of crystals on the floor to cut off the dark energy flowing up through the man's bare feet and then hurried them out to his backyard so as to not contaminate the room.

Klee doesn't hide his side business from his clients, and none of them seem to have complained. In fact, maybe it helps a little bit: "During Texaco Inc.'s bankruptcy case in the late-1980s, Mr. Klee said he had the ability to predict what was going to happen."

He also once exorcized his wife.