
Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/16 01:20PM

After a 4-4 ruling following the death of Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court says it will not reopen the Friedrichs case about public union dues, which means that public unions are safe, for now. Please laugh in Chris Christie’s stupid face today, if you see him.

New Startup That Sends Dossiers On Your Private Social Media Profiles To Potential Landlords Should Be Illegal

Marina Galperina · 06/09/16 04:46PM

A new startup wants to take a “deep dive” into the private social media activity of prospective tenants—their chats, check-ins, how many times they’ve posted words like “pregnant” or “loan”—and score their “personality” for their potential landlord. Why would anyone let this happen? Because “people will give up their privacy to get something they want,” Steve Thornhill, co-founder of the British startup Score Assured tells The Washington Post.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/16 01:00PM

A new ACLU report shines a light on the bizarre and troubling netherworld of South Carolina’s “summary courts,” which “refuse to provide counsel to the poor at all stages of the criminal process, and force defendants who can’t afford to pay fines to instead serve time in jail.”

Black Former Law Students of Antonin Scalia Recall Unfair Treatment at the University of Chicago

Sam Biddle · 02/29/16 12:32PM

While on the Supreme Court, Justice Antonin Scalia, who died this month at 79, worked to make society less just for black Americans, railing against affirmative action and seeking to undermine the Voting Rights Act. His admirers would attribute this not to rank bigotry, but to his textualist legal philosophy. According to some of the dead justice’s former law students, though, a younger Scalia also went out of his way to undermine young legal scholars, simply because they were black.

By Dying, Antonin Scalia Saves Public Sector Unions 

Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/16 09:25AM

Even if President Obama cannot get a new Supreme Court justice confirmed before he leaves office, Antonin Scalia may have singlehandedly saved America’s public sector unions by dying when he did.