The Top Ten Reasons to Live in NYC, By An Alien

Why does Thought Catalog contributor and Toronto native Iris Milanova want to live in New York City?
10) "As Frank Sinatra famously bellowed in 1979, NYC is the, 'city that doesn't sleep.'"
9) "This dazzling city is served bloody rare and you better be able to stomach it. Disregarding the negative things that have been said about NYC, one has to remember that there are also so many possibilities in this bustling metropolis where you can actually touch opportunity in the air as it floats and sparkles beneath the gaze of the Statue of Liberty."
8) "I want to grab a breakfast sandwich and devour it in-front of Tiffany's at 7am."
7) "There is no other city in the world, in my opinion that has such a wide variety of meal choices as NYC. Whatever you're craving, there's going to be a restaurant that will cater to your stomach's grunting."
6) "Say goodbye to your local mall's food court; you can indulge in cuisine from all over the world without having to leave the 5 Burroughs."
5) "I dream of being surrounded by 8.337 million New Yorkers in one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world."
4) "I want to see and understand the difference between a person from Staten Island and those that live in the Upper East Side."
3) "I want to thrive off of the creative energy from the residents of Williamsburg and jog alongside the many fitness enthusiasts in Central Park on a warm summer morning."
2) "I want to be immersed in an environment that reaches in the pit of my soul and yanks the innovation and creativity right out of the far reaches of my brain."
1) "I want to be able to grab a Cosmopolitan and gaze as hundreds of people walk by on the street, while indulging in some non-judgemental people-watching."
We don't do that here.