Yesterday, tig o'l bigot Bill Donohue of the Catholic League announced that he would not be marching in New York's upcoming LGBT Pride parade, after having his application to do so accepted by Pride's powers that be. Why the flip-flop? In the weak excuse for an excuse posted on his organization's website, Donohue wrote:

Today, I informed Heritage of Pride officials that I objected to their rule requiring me to attend gay training sessions, or what they call "information" sessions. "I don't agree with your rule," I said. They responded by saying that attendance was "mandatory."

Using a very loose sense of logic, Donohue figures (finally, after trying so hard to muster reasoning) that Pride people are no better than those in charge of New York's Saint Patrick's Day Parade, which famously excludes gays from marching openly, because both parade's organizations...have rules...or something. We reached out to NYC Pride to find out just how willful Donohue was being by characterizing Pride's information sessions as "gay training sessions," and it turns out that he's being very willful indeed.

In an email, March Director Dave Studinski told us:

We hold March information and safety sessions, referred to as group leader trainings, so our participants are fully aware of rules and procedures come event day. These trainings address line-up times, check-in locations, our moment of silence, dispersal activity, NYPD safety policies, attire and vehicle/sound permits. It is imperative group leaders know this information.

It's not that we needed more proof that Donohue is a liar whose m.o. is to misrepresent the intentions of gay people, but it is a nice thing to have.

[Image via Getty]