If you ever reach the soothing point of equilibrium at which it is possible to stop feeling that the advertising industry is constantly manipulating you, I encourage you to stop and consider this new ad campaign for skin care for 20somethings—who are, let's face it, looking a little decrepit.

I challenge you—I challenge you, and you, and you, the 20something over there, looking a little, how shall I say it... waxy—to find a more subtly undermining quote from a corporate advertising representative than this one, from an Ad Age story today about a new campaign to sell Origins Skin Renewal cream to you, the female consumer under the age of 30. Perhaps your self-esteem has been a bit too high, eh?

"There's a protein synthesis called carbonylation where the skin becomes more opaque," said Trenesa Danuser, VP-global communications and strategic alliances for Origins, Darphin and Ojon. "We're validating what the consumer is seeing in the mirror."

Millennials "lead a very public life," Mr. Marois said, pointing to the ubiquitous selfies of social media. "Looking your best is a real concern for that age," he said, "especially when you're going through all these changes that make you more vulnerable."

The Estee Lauder corporation is not telling you, the 20something consumer, that you look like an old hag; they are merely validating what you see in the mirror, when you look in the mirror and close your eyes and focus on internalizing all of the manipulative advertising messages of the beauty and skin care industries.

Looking your best is a real concern, when you're this old.

[Photo of an old lady: FB]