George Jung, the notorious "cocaine cowboy" portrayed by Johnny Depp in Blow, has been released from prison after serving 20 years.

Jung, now 71, got into the coke game in the mid-'70s after being arrested for dealing marijuana and linking up in prison with Pablo Escobar's Medellín cartel. Eventually, he began working directly with Escobar to supply a rumored 89 percent of America's cocaine while the drug was still at the height of its popularity.

Arrested in 1987, Jung skipped bail until 1994, when he was arrested in Kansas with more than 1,700 pounds of cocaine. Sentenced to 60 years, he was able to secure early release by agreeing to testify against the former cellmate who first connected him to Escobar.

According to TMZ, Jung is being released to a halfway house somewhere on the west coast.

[H/T BroBible, Photo:]