Even within the context of this upended-Gathering-of-the-Juggalos-outhouse of a presidential election cycle, Ted Cruz’s crescendoing spingasm on the Planned Parenthood shooting is shocking and bizarre. This really could go anywhere.

You will recall Cruz suggesting that Robert L. Dear, the alleged shooter, is a “transgendered leftist activist.” Today, Ted Cruz joined the Hugh Hewitt Show—which, I understand, is a radio show hosted by Hugh Hewitt, who, I understand, is a conservative who concerns himself with the so-called liberal bias in media, which is unfortunate, because while having a healthy imagination is a good thing, living entirely inside it is generally thought to be somewhat unhealthy. At any rate, Ted Cruz has some thoughts about the gotdang liberal media, reports The Hill. Man oh man does he ever.

Take it away, Ted:

“Here is the simple and undeniable fact – the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats.”

Yes, mmmmm, do go on with more of these facts.

“There is a reason why for years the Democrats have been viewed as soft on crime,” Cruz continued. “They go in and appoint to the bench judges who release violent criminals.

“They go in and fight to give the right to vote to convicted felons,” the 2016 GOP presidential candidate added. “Why?

“The Democrats know that convicted felons tend to vote Democrat. The media never reports on any of that. [It] doesn’t want to admit any of that.”

Hard to argue with such facts as these. Harder, still, to believe Cruz continued speaking without Earth being flushed down the cosmic toilet once and for all:

“Every time you have some sort of violent crime or mass killing you can almost see the media salivating, hoping, hoping desperately that the murderer happens to be a Republican so that they can use it to try and paint their political enemies,” he said.

“You can see that every time there’s a terrible crime they’re so excited – ‘come on, please be a Republican so we can try and paint the other side,’” Cruz said. “It is one of the more egregious examples of media bias and something we see over and over again.”

So said the man who spent yesterday recycling a wildly speculative depiction of a violent criminal created in an article on a right-wing media site, entitled “Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooter NOT Republican, Identifies as Woman.”

I dunno, guys.

[The Hill]

Photo via AP