A West Virginia high school teacher may be in trouble after letting students pick a movie to show in class as a reward for their good performance. Turns out the kids’ tastes are very ... singular. You wouldn’t understand.

So, at their request, the teacher put on Fifty Shades of Grey, America’s favorite porn-lite box office smash. Unfortunately for the students, their plan was foiled when a staff member walked by and recognized the movie, cutting short the games in Christian Grey’s Red Classroom before they could even begin.

“An assistant principal walked by and saw what they were doing,” Hampshire High School principal Jeff Woofter told the Charleston Daily Mail, “They got there 10 minutes after it started and shut it down.”

Woofter said the “otherwise capable” teacher, who hasn’t been named, “didn’t do a background check on the movie or even ask about it.”

But the county school district has rules, and the principal wants teachers to comply with them. They are for students’ benefit and for his pleasure.

One of the rules is not to show any movies in class, the Daily Mail reports.

Woofter declined to say whether he shall punish the teacher, so the teacher can learn, or whether both reward and punishment are part of the district’s incentive package.

[h/t BroBible]