Taylor Swift's "shut the fuck up"—memorialized here in GIF form—was directed at her ex-boyfriend, One Direction's Harry Styles, who was at that moment on stage. But it's a pretty good review of the entire VMA experience:

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Or, if that doesn't do it for you, there's this shot of the Smith family, reacting to Lady Gaga's performance:

(Note that, despite what Twitter tells you, the Smith clan is not watching Miley Cyrus' bugged-out performance. If you watch the video of Cyrus' bit, you can see Will is, in fact, totally into it, around 2:53, nodding his head like a goofball. Jaden looks super bored.)

Or, if neither of those do it for you in the summing-up-the-VMAs department, there's this shot of One Direction and Rihanna, actually taken during the already-infamous Miley Cyrus performance:

Someone needs to take MTV around the back and put it out of its misery.