
Facebook Status Update of the Night

The Cajun Boy · 06/26/09 01:27AM

James Franco: "Only the douchebags at Columbia would dare take a picture of me sleeping in class." Andy: "Why is that?" James Franco: "I sleep at NYU all the time and no one bothers me." [Columbia Student Andy Nguyen's Facebook]

Hillary Has a Fallback Plan For You

cityfile · 05/13/09 03:10PM

Hillary Clinton spoke to the graduating class of NYU at Yankee Stadium today. Unlike last year, no naked men ran onto the field and interrupted the commencement exercise. (It may have helped that two dozen cops lined the infield.) But if graduates were a little nervous about heading off into the worst job market in decades, the Secretary of State had just the recipe to put their fears to rest. "For those of you still looking for jobs, we are hiring a new generation (at the State Department)." In other words, if all else fails and you can't find a single for-profit enterprise in America willing to hire you to make photocopies, there's always work to be done preventing nuclear proliferation and making peace in the Middle East. [NYDN]

NYU to Poors: Go Away

Hamilton Nolan · 04/30/09 09:17AM

Did you know that it costs $54,000 to go to NYU for one year and learn how to be a failed revolutionary? Because of this, the school is "encouraging" poors to go fuck themselves.

NYU Students We Actually Like

Gabriel Snyder · 04/27/09 05:37PM

Two reasons to enjoy Nyle's video "Let the Beat Build": 1) It was shot all in one take with live music, and 2) refreshingly optimistic lyrics about creative ambition in the New Depression.

Police Clash With NYU Protesters

Ryan Tate · 02/20/09 01:37AM

We have reports of a street confrontation between NYU protesters and cops starting around 1 AM, the deadline set for demonstrators to leave the campus food court they occupied. Twitter seemingly confirms: