
An Easier Way to Rob an ATM

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/10 08:14AM

We've all dreamed of smashing an ATM to get at the sweet, sweet money inside. But it always seemed like such a hassle. Dragging it behind a car? Messy crowbars? No more! Now you can rob ATMs the easy way.

Newsweek: And Then There Were Four

Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/10 12:42PM

In your sweltering (but not sizzling) Wednesday media column: four bidders left for Newsweek, rumors of a Hachette- Hearst joint venture, Time magazine flirts with a paywall, and city hall reporters now work in a trailer, where they belong.

Mike Bloomberg Somehow Noticed a Million Bucks Missing

Hamilton Nolan · 06/14/10 02:12PM

Queens Republican John Haggerty, "One of Mayor Bloomberg's most trusted campaign aides," has been indicted for stealing $1.1 million from Bloomberg's Election Day fund. A million bucks to Bloomberg is like a nickel to you. He's a flinty bastard. [NYDN]

NYC's War on Flaming Bars

Hamilton Nolan · 06/14/10 08:31AM

Albert Trummer, co-owner of the Chinatown bar Apotheke, was arrested by fire marshals Sunday for setting liquor aflame on his bar. Flaming bars outlawed in New York? If only there were some humor to be found here. [NYT. Pic via]