
The NYPD, Which Deplores Racial Profiling, Orders Cop to Stop 'Male Blacks 14 to 20'

Hamilton Nolan · 03/22/13 10:00AM

The NYPD's public safety policy of "Harass all young minority males who show themselves in public," politely dubbed "Stop and frisk," is currently on trial for its legal life. Hilariously (unless you are a young minority male), police officials are still able to insist with a straight face that such a program does not constitute "racial profiling." Hey, let's roll that tape, recorded by an NYPD officer who was being berated by his superior!

You Have Nothing Interesting to Say About Brooklyn

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/13 12:17PM

It's not just that you don't have anything interesting to say about Brooklyn; we don't have anything interesting to say about Brooklyn. Neither blogs, nor magazines, nor newspapers, nor serious academic thinkers, nor urban planners, nor philosophers, nor international jet-setters, nor fashion mavens, nor foodies, nor social theorists have anything interesting to say about Brooklyn. Neither wide-eyed outsiders, nor wry, self-loathing insiders have anything interesting to say about Brooklyn. Neither griping native Brooklynites nor dewy recent transplants have anything interesting to say about Brooklyn. And—it should go without saying—the glossy, luxury ad-laden fashion magazine insert of the New York Times does not have anything interesting to say about Brooklyn.

Coney Island Is Cleaner Since that Devastating Hurricane Hit

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/13 01:49PM

Beloved New York day trip destination and shithole Coney Island was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. Not to worry: Matt Chaban reports that, with the official opening of CONEY SUMMER 2013 FUCK YEAH CLAM STRIPS *VOMITS* just weeks away, the rebuilding effort has successfully rehabilitated the charming hellscape. Buildings, completely remodeled! Businesses, spiffed up! Rides, scrubbed and repainted! The very sand on the beach sifted for debris, leaving the beaches "cleaner than they probably have been in a century!"

Osama bin Laden's Son-in-Law Brought to NYC for Trial

Maggie Lange · 03/08/13 09:36AM

A secret operation sometime last week has brought Osama bin Laden's son-in-law to New York, where he will appear this morning under heavy security in a New York federal courtroom. There, the former high-school teacher will answer charges of conspiracy to kill U.S. citizens as a key member of al Qaeda's inner circle.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/05/13 09:33AM

A new report says NYC has 50,000 homeless people in shelters each night, up 61% since Bloomberg took office.

Giant Luxury FutuRoboCondo Development to Make Williamsburg's 'Edgy' Past Even More Archaic

Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/13 12:55PM

The Domino Sugar Factory is a big old abandoned factory by the Williamsburg bridge. Soon, the Domino Sugar Factory will be a virtual forest of gleaming new condos rentals and office buildings including not just one, but two huge towers with holes in the middle of them. "This has the opportunity to be what new Brooklyn says to the world," said the project's architect. And what the new Brooklyn says to the world is, "It is now easier than ever for the financiers who will soon make up the bulk of the residents of Williamsburg's waterfront to land their hovercrafts inside of their be-holed condominium tower."

Finally, Fashion's Night Out Is Over

Maggie Lange · 02/27/13 02:08PM

After a very expensive four-year run, Fashion's Night Out is over (in the U.S.). Tastefully launched during the peak of the 2009 recession, FNO was initiated to encourage spending by setting up a DJ booth in a Victoria's Secret, giving you a glass of bad champagne, and steering you towards some designer-y clothes. By last year, FNO had spread to over 500 cities in the U.S. and 30 internationally.

Mike Bloomberg Will Leave the Homeless Worse Off Than He Found Them

Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/13 10:30AM

New York City Michael "Mayor Mike" Bloomberg, the 20th richest human in the world, said this yesterday about his administration's policy of requiring single adults "to prove they have no other alternatives when they are seeking access to a homeless shelter," and of barring homeless families and children from city shelters during freezing weather "if officials determine they have an alternative place to sleep:"

How to Solve Homelessness: The Mundane Miracles of The Doe Fund

Hamilton Nolan · 02/07/13 12:06PM

The next mayor of New York City will not be George McDonald, though George McDonald is running for mayor. That's OK. George McDonald is already better than any mayor has ever been at addressing the most obstinate social problems in this city's modern history.