
Chipotle Sued For Defrauding Investors Over the E. Coli They Were Serving Up

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/08/16 04:07PM

Chipotle, the chain Mexican restaurant that proudly boasts a menu of food “with integrity,” and in several instances, “with E. coli,” has a new affliction to fight off: A lawsuit alleging the company defrauded its investors with regard to its food safety, or lack thereof.

Month-Long Poop Cruise Finally Docks, Promptly Picks Up New Victims

Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/16/14 07:36PM

A month-long Princess Cruises poop cruise that saw more than 170 people fall ill with norovirus finally docked in Los Angeles Sunday. Not great news for the passengers but pretty good news for the cruise company, which announced plans to hose the boat down and ship out a new group of potential victims the same day.

Three Consecutive Poop Cruises Being Investigated by the CDC

Dayna Evans · 04/12/14 01:30PM

Is it time that we finally ban cruises? In one solitary week, three cruise ships have had to send CDC investigators on board in order to discover why over 100 people (each!) have come down with vomiting and diarrhea. The first two cases were discovered on the same boat—one week apart.

Another Cruise Ship Shit Disaster as Over 100 Royal Caribbean Passengers Infected With Diarrhea-Causing Virus

Taylor Berman · 03/10/13 11:40PM

Just a few weeks after the shit-covered, disabled Carnival Cruise landed in Alabama, the cruise industry was hit with another PR disaster: Last week, a Royal Caribbean cruise ship returned to shore after an 11-day cruise during which over 100 passengers and three crew members fell ill with the norovirus, a gastrointestinal virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. The virus is usually spread by water contaminated with feces.

This Week in Vomiting

Mallory Ortberg · 01/05/13 03:08PM

It's hard to believe that only yesterday io9 introduced us to "Vomiting Larry,", the mannequin-like robot designed to vomit on command "not just forcefully, but in an anatomically accurate fashion." In some ways it feels like old Larry's been with us for years, teaching us all how to vomit correctly. But he's not just a novelty vomiting robot; he's here to help scientists stop the spread of the stomach flu:

I went to San Francisco for JavaOne, and all I got was this Norovirus

Jackson West · 05/09/08 08:00AM

Giving every junketeer who might have over-imbibed a good excuse to blow off chores and work once they get home, conference organizers at Sun's JavaOne developer fest at the Moscone Center are now warning attendees that the City has released a public health warning about a virus on the loose.