
Hazel Cills · 01/19/14 02:46PM

New York City's 311 hotline received over 260,000 complaints about noise in 2013 proving what Big Apple residents already know: the city is annoyingly loud. Health officials say there are plenty places in the city where decibels reach up to 85 and in some places noise levels exceed 100 decibels.

Wearing Headphones Will Kill You

Max Read · 01/17/12 10:00AM

Hello. Let's get right to the point: someday you will die. Maybe you'll sacrifice yourself to save a bus full of nuns, or die bringing food to starving children in a war zone, or pass away at the age of 90, surrounded by an enormous, loving family and all your Nobel prizes. More likely, though, you will get unceremoniously creamed by a fire truck because you couldn't hear its sirens over "How Will I Know":

New York Eliminates Horns on Taxis and Trash Cans in Subways

Brian Moylan · 10/25/11 01:56PM

Public transportation in New York is about to get even better and demonstrably worse all at the same time. While the TLC is cutting down on cabbies honking their horns, the MTA is ditching the trash cans in subway stops. Man, this is going to get messy.

NYPD Getting New, More Bone-Rattling Siren

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/11 12:37PM

Tired of high-pitched sirens disturbing the quiet peace of the quaint, idyllic burg in which you chose to make your home—New York, NY? Good news. The NYPD is switching from its old screeching siren to a new brand of siren called The Rumbler. It's better because it rumbles!

All of Manhattan Is 'Lethally Noisy'

Brian Moylan · 10/27/10 04:29PM

A study finds the noise in 98 percent of Manhattan's public spaces is above healthy levels. You may think you're used to the sirens, jackhammers, and trucks, but the racket raises blood pressure. Great, we'll soon be deaf and dead!

Your Problems Are All In Your Head (But Still Fatal)

Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/10 02:49PM

Breast taxes! Cortisone effects! Toxic prisons! Glaxo whistleblowers! Manhattan noise! Personalized therapies! HuffPo quackery! And the Army vs. suicide! It's your Wednesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—with pharmacologically-inspired positive mental attitude!

Want to Hear What the 'God Particle' Sounds Like?

Max Read · 06/22/10 09:30PM

The Large Hadron Collider is an enormous, $8 billion machine built to detect the existence of certain hypothesized-to-exist particles. But detect how? What if, instead of looking for particles, scientists could listen for them? This is what they'd sound like.

Guerrilla Marketing Gone Bad

cityfile · 01/22/10 02:53PM

Those really annoying trucks that drive around, clog up city streets, and serve no other purpose than to expose you to some dumb ad? They're getting an upgrade. Taking a cue from those horrific RVs that Lubavitch Jews use to proselytize with, the "mobile billboards" will soon blast music as they drive around town.