
Etch A Sketch Gets Romney Bump

Louis Peitzman · 03/24/12 09:15AM

It's been a bad week for Mitt Romney and a good week for Ohio Art: the latter produces the popular toy Etch A Sketch, which got a helping hand from the Romney campaign. On Wednesday, Romney strategist Eric Fehmstrom made an unfortunate analogy when asked about his candidate's ever-changing policy positions.

John McCain on 2012 Presidential Race: Ooh, That's Nasty

Louis Peitzman · 03/18/12 02:31PM

John McCain knows a thing or two about nasty. Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, he reflected on the current campaigns for a Republican presidential candidate to face off against Obama in November. Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich have all been criticized for waging war against each other in the form of attack ads in key primary states.

Stephen Colbert Translates the Right's Supposedly Plain Spoken Rhetoric

Matt Toder · 03/13/12 11:06PM

When they think the President has said something they can jump on, the likes of Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum pounce with everything they've got. Unfortunately for those three, Stephen Colbert is around to point out how moronic their criticisms usually are, as he did on tonight's Colbert Report.

Romney and Gingrich Let Santorum Win Kansas

Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 03:50PM

It's Rick Santorum's turn to win a caucus, and he is close to doing that in Kansas. Granted, this process of selecting a Republican presidential candidate is not a turn-based system, but in this case, Santorum does owe his competitors a debt of gratitude for giving him a big leg-up.

Republican Nominees Distance Themselves From Rush Limbaugh

Louis Peitzman · 03/04/12 11:00AM

Yesterday — in the wake of losing several sponsors — Rush Limbaugh apologized for calling law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute." Fluke had the audacity to argue in front of Congress that her employer's health care coverage should cover her birth control. Since Limbaugh made his apology, notable Republicans have stepped forward to agree that Limbaugh's comments were out of line, and that the conservative talk show host does not speak for the Republican party as a whole.

Jon Stewart Can't Believe He Is Still Surprised By the Republican Candidates

Matt Toder · 02/23/12 11:32PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart turned his attention to last night's Republican debate. Besides being miffed that we've had to endure twenty of these events, Stewart also couldn't believe Mitt Romney misquoting Seinfeld, Rick Santorum's reasonable explanations and the one word each candidate used to define himself.

Bill O'Reilly Insists We Need to Cut Santorum and Gingrich Some Slack

Matt Toder · 02/22/12 12:55AM

Bill O'Reilly appeared on the Tonight Show tonight and, no surprise here, defended Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Santorum, in O'Reilly's view, is so inexperienced that we shouldn't hold what he says against him and apparently Gingrich has had some sort of spiritual awakening which renders of all his past hypocrisies moot. The appearance was basically O'Reilly insisting that Santorum and Gingrich are viable candidates, especially as alternatives to Mitt Romney, whose name only came up once when it was uttered by Jay Leno.

Romney Wins Nevada Caucus, Obviously

Louis Peitzman · 02/05/12 09:51AM

Sorry, Newt, but we all saw this coming — Mitt Romney won the Nevada caucus on Saturday, further establishing his position as Republican frontrunner and thorn in Gingrich's side. But rather than focus on the man he's been debating, Romney took some jabs at Obama.

Romney Poised for Second Consecutive Win, Not That Gingrich Cares

Louis Peitzman · 02/04/12 11:35AM

Once again, Mitt Romney has a significant lead in a Republican caucus — this time in the Mormon-heavy state of Nevada. CNN reports that the Republican frontrunner is well ahead of his opponents, which should come as no surprise to those who remember Romney's showing in 2008. (He's big in Nevada.)

Stephen Colbert Retaliates Against Newt Gingrich for Using 'Eye of the Tiger' Without Permission

Matt Toder · 02/03/12 12:26AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen took Newt Gingrich to task for using Survivor's hit song "Eye of the Tiger" without permission during his rallies. It was "an eye for an Eye of the Tiger" as Stephen welcomed Survivor lead singer Dave Bickler to sing part of Newt's book without permission. The result is as brilliantly absurd as anything Stephen has done in a while.

Stephen Colbert Has A Plan For All the Negative Campaigning

Matt Toder · 02/02/12 12:19AM

The fight between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich has gone totally negative and Stephen Colbert took a look at some of the nastier barbs that they have traded on tonight's Colbert Report. But beyond just dissecting their insults, Colbert has a plan to keep each of them on their toes: he's a launching a twitter campaign to keep them prepared. So come on, nation, let's all do our part.

Jon Stewart Checks In on Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich in the Wake of the Florida Primary

Matt Toder · 02/01/12 11:41PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart checked in with Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich after the Florida primary wherein Mitt Romney won big. Figuring that he's got his party's nomination sewn up, Romney broke out his general election platform, which featured a shot at teachers. Undeterred by the results of the Florida primary, Gingrich started talking about what he will do on the first day of his presidency. It all made for some great grist for Jon Stewart's mill.

Stephen Colbert Loves Herman Cain's Endorsement of Newt Gingrich

Matt Toder · 02/01/12 12:07AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen took a look at some of the notable people who have come out in support of Newt Gingrich: Herman Cain, Duke Cunningham and, of course, Sarah Palin. What a well rounded bunch, those three. Taking their example, Stephen pledges his support of Newt as well. Unless Romney wins in Florida, which would change everything. Or nothing.