
Jon Stewart Criticizes President Obama's Libya Strategy

Matt Cherette · 03/29/11 10:26PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about President Obama's address to the nation (given last night) about America's mission in Libya. Apparently, Stewart isn't too keen on Obama's explanations—or the timing of them.

Jon Stewart Criticizes GE, Obama Over Tax Issues

Matt Cherette · 03/28/11 10:20PM

Tonight, during Jon Stewart's "I Give Up!" segment, the Daily Show host discussed the news that GE paid no federal income tax for 2010, despite $14.2 billion in profits. Stewart also took aim at President Obama and NBC News.

Bill Maher Creates the Anti-Obama Candidate of GOP Dreams

Matt Cherette · 03/25/11 10:30PM

On tonight's Real Time, Bill Maher declared that Republicans believe in "being against everything [Obama] is for" and "must nominate for 2012 a man who is the exact opposite of Obama." He even created one for them! Meet Karab Amabo.

Jon Stewart Mocks NBC News' General Electric Problem

Matt Cherette · 03/24/11 10:28PM

Tonight, in a segment more fitting for 30 Rock than The Daily Show, Jon Stewart considered the problem that NBC News has because of the fact that it's owned by GE, whose products often appear in controversial news reports.

Jon Stewart Mocks Nancy Grace's Fear-Mongering Japan Coverage

Matt Cherette · 03/23/11 10:21PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart opened with a new segment called "When Reporters Attack." His first target? HLN loudmouth Nancy Grace, and her hilarious fight with a meteorologist who said that radiation from Japan probably wouldn't harm Americans

Watch Jimmy Fallon Complain About President Obama to Brian Williams

Matt Cherette · 03/23/11 12:34AM

On tonight's Late Night, best guest ever Brian Williams stopped by for a chat with Jimmy Fallon. When the subject of conversation switched to Libya, Fallon got uncharacteristically angry/political and began bashing President Obama and his lack of communication.

Jon Stewart Criticizes the United States' War On Libya

Matt Cherette · 03/21/11 10:18PM

Over the weekend, the Unites States—along with France and England—began military attacks on Libya in an attempt to remove murderous dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi from power. Tonight, The Daily Show returned, and Jon Stewart questioned the coalition's actions.

Ann Coulter to Bill O'Reilly: 'Radiation Is Actually Good for You'

Matt Cherette · 03/17/11 08:29PM

On tonight's Factor, Bill O'Reilly welcomed controversial conservative talking head Ann Coulter on to discuss the nuclear crisis currently unfolding in Japan. For some reason, Coulter—pretty adamantly—wanted to let us know that radiation is good for us!

The First Local News Segment Completely Shot and Edited on an iPad

Lauren Soroken · 03/16/11 11:25AM

Texas news channel Fox 4 aired the first ever iPad 2 shot and edited news segment. Why? "All the experts who know how to shoot these stories are on real stories." This reporter proves that most innovations are born out of necessity.

Watch Stephen Colbert's Awesome Newt Gingrich Slam

Matt Cherette · 03/10/11 11:45PM

Tonight, Stephen Colbert discussed probable Republican Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. Colbert noted that Gingrich must "explain his past positions; specifically, why those positions were so often on top of women who weren't his wife." That was just the beginning.