
Snoop Dogg's New Book Will Literally Get You High

Emma Carmichael · 04/06/12 11:20AM

You know when you're reading a book, and the book is kind of meh, and so you decide to roll a joint, but then you realize you ran out of rolling papers and forgot to buy a new pack, because you are a stoner? Sucks, right? Problem solved, thanks to the melted brain of America's favorite burnout, Snoop Dogg.

The Dog Whistle Has Sounded: How the Right Talks About 'Thugs' Like Trayvon Martin

Mobutu Sese Seko · 04/05/12 11:57AM

On Sunday, Bill Kristol, chronically incorrect steward of his daddy's magazine movement, dismissed liberals' and black activists' outraged response to the Trayvon Martin killing as "just demagoguery... mostly on the side of those who want to indict the whole society for this death." The following day, Rush Limbaugh said the response was "doing more harm to the black community than anything else." How blessed the black community must feel to have their best interests overseen by the living embodiment of everything wrong with white people.

'I'm the King of the World' Titanic References Throughout Pop Culture History: A Video

Rich Juzwiak · 04/04/12 10:23AM

Today, Titanic 3D docks in theaters. Here's a supercut of almost 50 instances of Leonardo DiCaprio's (unfortunately?) immortal line, "I'm the king of the world," popping up throughout pop culture since the movie's original 1997 release. The phrase might be the most obnoxious thing you can say on a boat and otherwise. Sometimes the people making the reference note this. Sometimes, tragically, they do not.

Hoodies, Strip Searches, and College: A Salad Bar of American Dread

Mobutu Sese Seko · 04/03/12 03:35PM

Even when one or two stories dominate a national news cycle, there are still thousands more circulating beneath them. Most of these are local, which is great luck for local journalists, who can use them to fend off angry senior-citizen complaints that nobody's explained why Dahlia's Café—the one with the all-afternoon early bird!—was replaced with a "Chipottle."

My Kasual Kountry Weekend With the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

Hamilton Nolan · 04/03/12 10:00AM

From the outskirts of Harrison, Ark., take Highway 7 North about seven miles. Take a right by the Conoco, down Zinc Road, past the green cow pastures and the farmhouses and four low-slung churches. After seven miles, the road appears to head straight into a wall of trees, before veering left and plunging down a long hill. Over the railroad tracks, where the paving gives way to a dusty, rock-strewn rutted path, bear left on Lead Hill Road. Your pace will slow. This is a road for pickup trucks, not a rented Ford Fusion. Pass a few scattered mobile homes with turkeys and geese wandering, and some poor cows stuck navigating a farm placed on a steep hill. Mostly, pass scraggly trees. At three points, a tiny creek cuts across the dirt road, and you'll have to gun it through a flowing puddle to move ahead. After a couple of miles of this, arrive at a steep, rocky driveway flanked by a gate and a lone American flag.

Can You Believe This Guy Is a Serial Killer?

Emma Carmichael · 03/30/12 11:57AM

Weird, right? He looks so normal-eyed and harmless! But 65-year-old trucker Robert Ben Rhoades, currently serving a life sentence for the murder of a 14-year-old Illinois girl, is believed to have killed "an average of three women a month by the early 1990s."

Dick's Got a New Heart: Why Cheney's Transplant Makes a Good Case For ObamaCare

Mobutu Sese Seko · 03/30/12 08:00AM

Last weekend, America's subterranean war monster, Lord Kinbote Dick Cheney, received a new heart from a Virginia hospital. Apparently, he even got it legally, although we'll never know if the hospital in question first deferred him five times. The right got a new faintly Obamacare-related talking point, and the left—even as it worried about the invalidation of the most important health care reform in generations—well, it didn't really get it at all.

Good Day L.A. Reporter: 'Well I Love Semen' (UPDATE)

Leah Beckmann · 03/27/12 11:35AM

It's like how certain Disney movies have sexy things subtly sprinkled throughout the dialogue. Listen carefully. There it is, right at the ten second mark: nautically inspired semen.

Baton-Wielding 'Ninjas' Foil Medical Marijuana Delivery

Emma Carmichael · 03/26/12 04:30PM

A medical marijuana delivery in West Covina, Calif., was foiled early this morning after two men dressed as ninjas and wielding martial arts batons approached a deliveryman and stole a bag of cash and product.

One Way to Get a Book Deal These Days is to Starve and Humiliate Your Child

Emma Carmichael · 03/26/12 03:11PM

In Vogue's "Body Issue" this month, Manhattan socialite Dara-Lynn Weiss opened up about the difficult time she had restricting her daughter Bea's diet. It was very hard, Weiss explained, to "deride Bea for not refusing the inappropriate snack" after the 7-year-old's pediatrician had labeled her "clinically obese."

According To a Friend, George Zimmerman 'Couldn't Stop Crying' After Killing Trayvon Martin

Emma Carmichael · 03/26/12 12:36PM

We're finally learning more about the details of Trayvon Martin's death, thanks to the Orlando Sentinel's extensive report today, in which 28-year-old George Zimmerman alleges that 17-year-old Martin "punched and pummeled" Zimmerman before he killed him. An ABC interview with Joe Oliver, Zimmerman's friend of six years, also attempts to reveal more about the man, who has gone into hiding since the Feb. 26 incident.