
News Corp. Did Not Do the Horrible Thing It Basically Admitted Doing

John Cook · 12/13/11 12:32PM

Whoops! Remember when Rupert Murdoch's News of the World was revealed to have illegally listened to the voicemails of teen murder victim Milly Dowler? And how the bastards actually erased the voicemails, leading Dowler's family to falsely believe that their little girl was still alive and checking her messages? And how Murdoch killed off NOTW in shame and a panicked attempt to avert scandal when it all came out? Well, there's a slight wrinkle.

'Privacy Is for Paedos' And Other Pearls of Wisdom From Journalism's New Cartoon Villain

John Cook · 11/29/11 02:56PM

As if the News Corp. hacking scandal weren't already lousy with pitch-perfect villains, a new one has topped them all. Former News of the World deputy features editor Paul McMullan gave a bravura performance today before a British government inquiry into the press scandal, gamely defending the most loathsome transgressions of his colleagues in the U.K. tabloid press with Snidely Whiplash relish.

Failing NewsBeast: Everyone Except Tina Brown's Fault

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/11 02:58PM

In your murky Monday media column: Newsbeast loses two top executives, CNN's "social network for news," News Corp finds one honest place on earth, the public opinion impact of Hackgate, and Mediawire is here.

Noted Sociopath James Murdoch Explains to Parliament That Everyone Is Lying But Him

John Cook · 11/10/11 10:01AM

James Murdoch, the News International CEO and News Corp. scion who has been identified by an overwhelming array of documentary and testimonial evidence as having been made abundantly aware that the company he runs engaged in widespread and routine criminal conduct by repeatedly hacking into celebrity's voicemails, told Parliament this morning that he didn't know anything about widespread hacking and all the people who say he did are liars.

News Corp Continues Slowly Falling to Pieces

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/11 02:26PM

In your sunny Wednesday media column: News Corp's Australian head departs, James Murdoch goes back to Parliament, a newspaper CEO sees the light, Univision is massive, and Newark Politico vs The Politico.

News of the World Somehow Still Able to Sink Lower

Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/11 03:20PM

In your manic Monday media column: Hackgate grows marginally dirtier, journalism majors make dat money, Malcolm Gladwell on Steve Jobs, the media lies, and Martin Nisenholtz retires.

The Murdochs Are Lying Liars

John Cook · 11/01/11 05:18PM

The parliamentary committee investigating illegal voicemail hacking at News International has released a cache of internal company documents showing that the firm was well aware of just how deep its phone hacking scandal went way back in 2008, when it was still publicly claiming that the problem was limited to a few bad apples.

The Double Dip Newspaper Recession Is Coming

Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/11 02:05PM

In your finally Friday media column: News Corp's annual spanking ensues, The Chicago Tribune's poor, the NYT's modest digital growth, cable news loves the gays, a Tim Hetherington exhibit, and I tell you which boxing blog to read.

Michael Bloomberg Has Rupert Murdoch's Back

John Cook · 10/20/11 12:39PM

Billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg is sticking up for billionaire mogul Rupert Murdoch as shareholder activists try to depose the aging News Corp. chairman.

Watch Rupert Murdoch Get Heckled by 'Occupy Sesame Street'

Max Read · 10/15/11 01:46PM

Here's Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corp, giving a speech at an education forum in San Francisco—and getting heckled by a group of education activists yelling "Occupy Sesame Street," which is, we guess, a slogan for education reform? (It's also a jokey meme.) According to the write-ups, the hecklers were dressed as Sesame Street characters, but we couldn't really tell; their beef with Murdoch originates from his ownership of education software company Wireless Generation.