
Are You Enough of an Asshole to Buy This Building?

Tom Scocca · 04/15/16 04:02PM

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday on an exciting New York City real estate offering: For $22 million, someone can buy a 20-unit apartment building in Brooklyn Heights to use as their very own single-family dwelling. Are you that person? That is to say, are you a monstrous asshole, who would like to make dozens of people’s lives worse for the sake of your personal luxury?

Bill de Blasio’s Administration Is Under a Mysterious Federal Investigation

J.K. Trotter · 04/11/16 08:40AM

William K. Rashbaum and Al Baker of The New York Times have a deep dive into the ongoing and increasingly complex federal investigation of two fundraisers associated with a non-profit called the Campaign for One New York, which supported the election of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2013. Investigators are apparently trying to figure out whether those fundraisers, a real estate executive named Jona Rechnitz and a consultant Jeremy Reichberg, obtained favorable treatment from de Blasio’s administration in exchange for monetary support of the Democrat’s campaign. The problem, though, is that....nobody seems to know what prompted the investigation in the first place:

New York City Passes Bill To Mess With Times Square Costumed Characters

Hannah Gold · 04/07/16 08:30PM

Typically, Elmos don’t come to Times Square to make friends. They do it to make money. A bill passed by the New York City counsel on Thursday could hurt Times Square performers’ chances of doing either. That includes some 300 topless women, the ticket vendors, and the costumed characters.

The Big Question at the Center of Hillary Clinton's Subway Turnstile Bungle

Andy Cush · 04/07/16 09:58AM

Hillary Clinton took the New York City subway this morning, to show that she is a woman of the people. She swiped her MetroCard once, and the turnstile didn’t turn. She swiped it again—nothing. A third time—no dice. The debacle leaves one question in the minds of New Yorkers across the five boroughs.

Winston Moseley, the Man Who Killed Kitty Genovese, Dies in Prison

Jeff Ihaza · 04/04/16 05:40PM

Generations of first-year psych students know ‘Winston Moseley’ as the man whose savage murder and rape of Kitty Genovese in 1964 was witnessed by dozens of neighbors rendered powerless by a phenomenon called “bystander effect.” That tale, as neat and compact as it is, is incomplete.

Sensitive New Yorkers Are Very Upset With Ted Cruz For Criticizing New York City

J.K. Trotter · 01/15/16 09:45AM

To any reasonable observer, including and especially its own residents, New York City is a swirling vortex of greed, debauchery and sin. Over the past few days, Tea Party hero and Texas Senator Ted Cruz has correctly, if awkwardly and ham-fistedly, noted the hard reality of “New York values” in the course of criticizing his opponent (and perhaps the most famous New Yorker on the planet), Donald Trump. A spokesperson for a Cruz-supporting SuperPAC recently told reporters, “New York is home to many wonderful people and places, but the emphasis is more on money than morality, on self-aggrandizement than humility.” And during Thursday night’s GOP debate, Cruz added, “Everybody understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal and pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage. And focus on money and the media.”