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Curtis Sliwa, whose vigilante efforts to protect New Yorkers from threats real and perceived made him into a local celebrity, is focused on a new danger: Melinda Katz, his ex*, against whom he is considering running for Queens Borough President.

Sliwa, who is the founder of the theatrical crime-fighting organization Guardian Angels, has two children with Katz, the current BP. Sliwa is a Giulianiesque law-and-order Republican; Katz is a Democrat who supported stop-and-frisk reform. Love works in mysterious ways.

Speaking at a Queens GOP forum yesterday, Sliwa said he’d consider a run against his old flame. His reasons were definitely not personal at all, he’s a professional, this was all politics. From DNAinfo:

The Guardian Angel then talked about his trip home — to find that Katz had dumped him.

“I walked to [Katz’s house] and the locks had been changed and I got booted to the curb by the Queens Borough President — the democrat Melinda Katz,” he said, sharing her full home address with the packed crowd...

“A lot of people have suggested over the years, ‘maybe it’s time Curtis, maybe it’s time, you know, you’ve been shot, you’ve been stabbed, your personal life was in the tabloids, maybe you ought to come back to Queens?,” he said...

“And if there is one race that I would run, it would be the Republican candidate to be the next Queens borough president. Now wouldn’t that be a race?”

Sliwa has talked about running for BP before without actually doing it, so it’s unclear whether this latest threat is legit. Either way, it was very decent and romantic of him to share his Democratic ex’s address with a room full of riled-up Republicans.