
'This Is About the Football Players,' Moron Tells Penn State Protester

Max Read · 11/12/11 06:03PM

After the embarrassment of Wednesday night's riot, in which thousands of Penn State students took to the streets to protest the firing of longtime football coach Joe Paterno for helping to cover up assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's alleged rape of several young boys, you'd think Penn State fans would have learned their lesson. As it turns out, not all of them have.

Lady Gaga Goes American Gothic for Her Latest Video

Brian Moylan · 08/16/11 02:41PM

While I'm usually cutting on Lady Gaga and her videos for being derivative, I must admit that her latest video for single "Yoü & I" is possibly her best yet, unnecessary umlaut aside. Watch her kiss herself, get married, turn into a mermaid, and cavort in a barn!

Nebraska Nuclear Power Plant Flooded

Seth Abramovitch · 06/26/11 09:03PM

One of two Nebraska nuclear power stations located near the Missouri River is submerged in flood waters, Reuters reports. A hole tore in a 2000-foot, inflatable barrier placed around the facility, allowing over two feet of water to pour into containment buildings and electrical transformers.

Sad, Sword-Waving Pirate Shot by Cops

Lauri Apple · 05/07/11 04:55PM

Jonathan Martis of Omaha was shot by police on Thursday after calling them to his house. His mother says he had been feeling depressed and telling people he wanted to die. But this fact doesn't fully explain why he was dressed up as a pirate.

Police Produce Captivating Girlfight Play-by-Play

Maureen O'Connor · 01/14/11 01:27PM

The police department of Lincoln, Nebraska has a crimestoppers website where they post America's Most Wanted-like videos about local criminals. Today's entry: an uncomfortably anthropological girlfight play-by-play featuring a Mickey Mouse hat, flying hair, and a public bus.

Mom, Boyfriend Sentenced to Jail for Taping Toddler to Wall

Max Read · 10/01/10 01:58AM

Two teenagers were sentenced to jail after duct-taping a 22-month-old child to the wall. The pictures—here with the child's face obscured—show him stuck to the wall at uncomfortable angles and with tape directly on his bare skin.

The Old Person's Guide to YouTube Superstar Fred

Adrian Chen · 08/07/10 04:03PM

Hello, Old Person. Would you like to be annoyed and confused? Let's talk about the chipmunk-voiced YouTube phenomenon known as 'Fred'. He has a new movie coming out, and all the kids are going to be talking about it.

Flyover-country cops want Yahoo to pay them to police its Internet "crack house"

Melissa Gira Grant · 05/02/08 03:00PM

There's money to be made in combating the sexual exploitation of children online, if not in the actual exploitation itself. Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning believes internet companies, not taxpayers, ought to be funding the fight. Bruning (pictured here with "Miss Heartland" Rachel Seidel) addressed the Nebraska Crime Commission this week, telling tales of how he created a fake teenage girl to solicit men on webcams to whip it out for an audience they never anticipated — state cops and senators. Says Bruning, "We had state senators about throwing up in their breakfasts, but we wanted to make a point and I think we did." But who will be picking up the check for his educational services? He wants Yahoo, among others, to do so: