
cityfile · 02/09/10 04:14PM

The Jay Leno Show ends its run tonight. It was actually scheduled to conclude on Thursday, but NBC moved it up to tonight to take advantage of the lead-in from The Biggest Loser. Make of that what you will. [NYT]
Ellen DeGeneres takes Paula Abdul's seat on American Idol tonight. [LAT]
• The second season of Jersey Shore will be set in one of the few places in America that's cheesier than the Jersey Shore: South Beach. [Movieline]
• Were CNN's ratings so lousy last week that it sent Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta back to Haiti in the hopes it would give the network a boost? Hey, it's a theory! (And from CNN's co-founder and former CEO, no less.) [HP]
• A Playboy shareholder has filed a class action lawsuit against the company, claiming Hugh Hefner's been sabotaging efforts to sell the company. [TMZ]
Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit issue has been unveiled. It's the issue that keeps the lights turned on at SI, as you probably could have guessed. [MW]
The White Stripes are kind of ticked off that the U.S. Air Force used one of its songs in a commercial that aired during the Super Bowl. [NYT]
• A Sopranos-themed musical is not coming to Broadway. Reassuring! [NYM]

SNL's Rahm Emanuel Obliterates Sarah Palin

Matt Cherette · 02/07/10 01:00AM

It seemed SNL was all about politics tonight, from the opening Fox News parody to a second Don't Ask, Don't Tell discussion in a View sketch. But it was Andy Samberg's obscenity-laden impersonation of Rahm Emanuel that stole the show.

Community Achieves Comedy Gold Without Using a Single Word

Whitney Jefferson · 02/05/10 01:41PM

Sexual tensions were high during last night's Community when the gang realized that "unlike a real family, there is nothing to stop any one of us from looking at the others as a sexual prospect." Let the longing glances begin.

cityfile · 02/04/10 04:09PM

• Lawmakers on Capitol Hill grilled Brian Roberts and Jeff Zucker today about Comcast's proposed takeover of NBC Universal. Meantime, Zucker's chances of keeping his job as NBC's CEO? Dimmer by the day. [Reuters, WSJ, LAT]
Observer owner Jared Kushner is expanding: He's decided to partner with another company to launch a free newspaper in Vegas for some reason. [NYT]
• More on the deep job cuts at CBS News this week. [NYT, LAT]
Howard Stern's contract with Sirius XM expires this year. Whether he ends up staying put—or finds a new home on radio or TV—is up in the air. [THR]
• EMI announced a massive annual loss and now needs more cash. [BBC]
• Another installment of Fast and Furious is on the way. Finally! [Variety]
• Does the National Enquirer deserve a Pulitzer Prize? Probably! [Gawker]

NBC Strikes Again

cityfile · 02/04/10 02:09PM

"More good press for NBC today! At [left] is a photo snapped and posted on Twitter by Questlove, drummer for the Roots, NBC employee, and leader of the Late Night With Jimmy Fallon band. [NYM]

cityfile · 02/03/10 04:15PM

• CBS News laid off more than 150 staffers this week. Will Katie Couric be forced to take a pay cut when her contract expires next year? Some say yes; CBS News chief Sean McManus is denying the report. [NYP, Politico]
Avatar has dominated the box office for seven straight weeks now (and has officially bested Titanic), but that may change this weekend or next. [LAT]
• Janice Kaplan is out as editor-in-chief of Parade magazine. [NYT]
• Nikki Finke says it will take "minutes" for Comcast to dump NBC CEO Jeff Zucker after its acquisition of NBC is approved by regulators. (Meantime, maybe he could explain why the Today show is propping up Scientology?)
• An estimated 12 million people tuned in to Lost last night. [Forbes]
• Time Warner reported fourth-quarter revenues and profits were up. [AP]
• Fox and ESPN will challenge NBC for the 2014 and 2016 Olympics. [BN]
• Does Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter hate non-white women? [DF]

Democratic Leaders Fantasize about Scott Brown in Hilarious SNL Parody

Matt Cherette · 01/31/10 12:32AM

Here's something unusual: SNL is actually funny tonight! And with Jon Hamm as host, of course there had to be something about newly-elected senator Scott Brown. According to (Kristen Wiig as) Nancy Pelosi, "Mama like!" Do you? Update: Brown responds.

Team Leno, Revealed

Matt Cherette · 01/29/10 10:25PM

Have you seen a "Whose side are you on?" poll related to the Late Night Wars recently? Did you notice the small number that reflected support for Jay Leno and wonder, "Who are those people?" Well, wonder no longer.