
How to Escape Hungry Predators

Preksha Kumar · 03/12/11 06:00PM

In this amazing video watch a gazelle play dead while a hyena and cheetah try to claim it. The gazelle outsmarts the two and skips its way to safety, no doubt becoming a local legend.

Reef Shark and Fish Act Like Oil and Water

Lisa Gagliardi · 02/15/11 10:50AM

Any fish with a healthy understanding of the food chain would choose to avoid a shark but to watch a group of fish act in unison is almost an art form.

Introducing Humans' Newest Ancestral Relative

Adrian Chen · 12/22/10 08:29PM

Scientists have discovered an entirely new species of ancient human. The Denisovans lived in Central Asia around 40,000 years ago, and we all have some of their DNA from back when they got busy with our own ancestors.

The Most Amazing Time-Lapse Video Featuring a Dandelion You'll Ever See

Matt Cherette · 11/09/10 10:46PM

This? This is cool. And, weirdly, haunting? (Maybe it's the music.) Anyway, here's a 90-second time-lapse video showing the entire process of a dandelion's natural transformation from flower to seed head. It's beautiful, it's mesmerizing, it's... oh, just watch already!

'Friday Night Lights,' 'Cats' Both Missing Great PR Opportunity

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/10 03:14PM

The Hawaiian island of Kauai has canceled Friday night high school football games this season, because migrating seabirds mistake the stadium lights for the "moon and stars," then "fall from the sky and [get] eaten by cats." Stupid cats. [AP]

Watch a Time Lapse of Hurricane Season

Sarah Natochenny · 10/01/10 06:00PM

For your enjoyment, here is a time lapse of an empty field getting pounded by a lightning storm. Let's just hope we don't see anything like this in our area anytime soon.

Will Cows Really Stop Britain's Public Roadside Sex Problem?

Jeff Neumann · 09/30/10 05:41AM

Rampant "dogging" at the Hog's Back "lay-by" (or, public fucking at a rest stop) near Puttenham, England has officially grossed out the locals. So the county council has proposed filling the field with cattle to keep people from boning there.

'Sea Snot Blizzard' Hits Oil Spill Region

Maureen O'Connor · 09/23/10 06:11PM

The Gulf of Mexico's latest plague is a "sea-snot blizzard," a "huge, slimy event" covering the ocean floor in suffocating layers of goo that could cause a "deadly void." Apparently phytoplankton create huge amounts of snot when stressed. [NatGeo, image]

The "Brooklyn Tornado Frat Boys" Are The New "Double Rainbow Guy"

Dan Grappone · 09/17/10 10:30AM

Where were you when that tornado just crept up and attacked Brooklyn for no good reason? Hopefully somewhere safe, 'cause that sucker did some damage! Watch video with brotastic remarks like "Dude, it's f*cking funneling!" inside.

If Trees Could Talk, What Would They Say?

Ruhi Shamim · 09/16/10 01:51PM

Ever wonder what the trees would say if they could talk? This Brussels tech team is creating a way to tweet what this tree feels, to create a science for what the tree would say if it could talk.