Rampant "dogging" at the Hog's Back "lay-by" (or, public fucking at a rest stop) near Puttenham, England has officially grossed out the locals. So the county council has proposed filling the field with cattle to keep people from boning there.

A field adjacent to the Hog's Back lay-by on the A31 highway is "being used for all kinds of sexual activity night and day," according to The Telegraph, and area residents have just about had enough. Many, like the parents of students at a preschool that is within eyesight of the field, want the lay-by closed for good. But the Surrey County Council has another idea: Fill the field with bulls. This idea isn't sitting well with some people. One local, Sarah Green told the paper:

How the council can sit there with straight faces and suggest putting a herd of bulls in a field to stop people having sex in it is almost too ridiculous to contemplate. [...]

Do they really think a bunch of perverts are going to be put off by a few bulls in a field? It will probably make them even more excited.

Okay, the very gross thought of people being turned on by cows aside, is filling a field with cattle really going to stop people from getting some in the great outdoors? Doubtful. Keep on doggin', Puttenham.

[Image via Getty]