
The Boncompagni Beneficiary? HarperCollins, Of Course

cityfile · 10/30/08 10:38AM

You have to feel a little bit sorry for Tatiana and Natasha Boncompagni, the two sisters embroiled in a nasty spat over the rights to the forthcoming novel Hedge Fund Wives. (If you've missed the action thus far, see here, here and here.) Both women have seen their reps damaged as a result, and Tatiana's career as a journalist and novelist will probably be overshadowed by the incident for many years to come. (Fortunately, she married into money. Or so she says.) Yesterday Natasha took down the website that hosted pages from the disputed manuscript. (We have a copy of the judge's ruling here, in case you're interested.) One party, we hear, that is not all that unhappy about the flurry of press that has followed in recent days? HarperCollins, not surprisingly. Hedge Fund Wives is now available for pre-order and the book's sales rank has edged up ever so slightly from 500,000 to 132,377. The messy feud has also boosted Boncompagni's first book, Gilding Lily: It dipped below 10,000 earlier this week before losing some ground today. It's now ranked 19,921.

The Boncompagni Feud: HarperCollins Weighs In

cityfile · 10/29/08 01:06PM

HarperCollins appears to be standing by Tatiana Boncompagni as she battles her sister, Natasha, over who actually authored the forthcoming novel Hedge Fund Wives. At least for the moment! We just heard back from Erin Crum, director of corporate communications at HarperCollins: "We hope that they can work it out amicably, and we will still be publishing the book on May 5th."

Socialite Sisters Fighting Over Most Important Chick-Lit Book of Our Time

Sheila · 10/29/08 11:28AM

Tatiana Boncompagni Hoover is a socialite married to a vacuum-cleaner heir, and likes to play up her tenuous ties to Italian royalty. She just wrote a thinly-veiled novel about life in the upper strata of Manhattan called Gilding Lily. Her sister, Natasha Boncompagni, has chick-lit aspirations as well. FIGHT! As Page Six reported yesterday, the sisters are in court—Natasha told us that Tatiana installed a "remote keylogging device" on her computer, which she says Tatiana used to steal the manuscript and copyright herself as the co-author of the upcoming Hedge Fund Wives. Tatiana says that Natasha stole it from her computer and that she's the sole author. Who's sort-of winning?Tatiana, so far: "A federal judge yesterday issued a temporary restraining order against former Wall Street gal Natasha Boncompagni, forbidding her from staking claim to the soon-to-be-published Hedge Fund Wives," Page Six reported. But: "Given my sister's motto 'No publicity is Bad Publicity,' I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't pleased with all the attention," Natasha told us, later pointing to Patrick McMullan photos of Tatiana at the Dylan's Candy Bar party last night, "basking in the attention." Ladies, ladies. You can both wear high heels! Let's not let a feud deprive readers of this sure-to-be remarkable work of post-colonial fiction.

Tatiana Schneiderman, Literary Fraudster

cityfile · 10/29/08 09:40AM

The feud between Tatiana and Natasha Boncompagni rages on. As you may recall, Tatiana is the author of the chick lit novel Gilding Lily and the forthcoming book Hedge Fund Wives; Natasha, her sister, claims she co-authored Hedge Fund Wives and says the book is based on her career on Wall Street. Earlier this week, Tatiana filed suit against Natasha, claiming her sister had stolen a copy of the manuscript and posted it online. Natasha countered her sister's claim with the assertion that Tatiana had tried to pay her to go away and had lied to her publisher, HarperCollins, on numerous occasions, most notably about being the daughter of an Italian princess. (She also said her sister had installed a "keylogging" device on her computer so she could spy on her.) Yesterday a judge issued a temporary restraining order forcing Natasha to take down the site that had previously hosted several sections of the novel. But Tatiana's already-battered reputation is about to take another blow. It turns out that she's not even named "Boncompagni" and her vacuum heir husband had a very similar legal run-in of his own not so long ago.

The Boncompagni Sisters Fight On

cityfile · 10/28/08 08:30AM

The feud between Tatiana and Natasha Boncompagni gets messier, and nastier, by the minute. Just in case you've missed the story thus far, Tatiana Boncompagni is the author of the chick lit novel Gilding Lily and has been working on a new book called Hedge Fund Wives. Natasha is her sister and claims she co-authored Hedge Fund Wives—in fact, she says the story is largely based on her own Wall Street career—but was then cut out of the deal by Tatiana, who she says has "a history of lying." Tatiana is insisting it was solely her work and that her sister simply offered "input," and has filed suit against Natasha for claiming partial credit, and for copying the manuscript from her computer and posting part of the manuscript online in an act of retribution. Natasha, for her part, is upset her sister has denied her role in writing the book, and is countering with various—and potentially very damaging—claims. Following so far? Good. After the jump, more from the Boncompagni scandal and a few scandalous emails, too.

Natasha Boncompagni Responds

cityfile · 10/27/08 02:26PM

Natasha Boncompagni is responding to the lawsuit filed against her by her sister, Tatiana, who claims she authored the forthcoming HarperCollins novel, Hedge Fund Wives, without any help from her sister. Natasha claims Tatiana's lawsuit was an attempt to "preempt" a lawsuit of her own, and says Tatiana couldn't have written the book by herself since it was based on her "Wall Street career" and "insider's knowledge of the social workings of the hedge fund community." There's more: Natasha also says her sister's "history of lying" is a "well-known fact both within our family and with her current publisher, HarperCollins," and that she only landed her first book deal after she lied about being descended from an Italian princess. Thanksgiving dinner at the Boncompagnis is going to be a blast this year, huh? Natasha's full response after the jump.

Novelist Sues Sister Over Un-Zeitgeisty Book

cityfile · 10/27/08 11:58AM

Socialite novelist Tatiana Boncompagni (Gilding Lily) might write about frothy stuff like clothes and parties, but don't think she's sentimental when it comes to family: She's suing her sister Natasha over a forthcoming HarperCollins novel, Hedge Fund Wives, which Natasha apparently claimed co-authorship of following her "input" during the writing process. Tatiana has filed a copyright infringement suit—she says her sister secretly copied parts of the novel during family visits—and is asking for monetary damages as well as a court order declaring her sole author.