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The feud between Tatiana and Natasha Boncompagni gets messier, and nastier, by the minute. Just in case you've missed the story thus far, Tatiana Boncompagni is the author of the chick lit novel Gilding Lily and has been working on a new book called Hedge Fund Wives. Natasha is her sister and claims she co-authored Hedge Fund Wives—in fact, she says the story is largely based on her own Wall Street career—but was then cut out of the deal by Tatiana, who she says has "a history of lying." Tatiana is insisting it was solely her work and that her sister simply offered "input," and has filed suit against Natasha for claiming partial credit, and for copying the manuscript from her computer and posting part of the manuscript online in an act of retribution. Natasha, for her part, is upset her sister has denied her role in writing the book, and is countering with various—and potentially very damaging—claims. Following so far? Good. After the jump, more from the Boncompagni scandal and a few scandalous emails, too.

One of Natasha's claims is that Tatiana has been lying about being the daughter of an Italian princess. You'll find an email below reportedly sent to Page Six's Richard Johnson from the head of the "princely" Boncompagni family in Italy, in which he describes Tatiana as a "total fraud." (Natasha also says Tatiana's husband has been lying by passing himself off as the wealthy heir to the Hoover vacuum fortune, but that's another matter.) Natasha says her sister also tried to shut her up with a $5,000 payment. A settlement offer via Tatiana's agent, Joe Veltre, is below.

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This image was lost some time after publication.

Natasha Boncompagni Responds [Cityfile]
Novelist Sues Sister Over Un-Zeitgeisty Book [Cityfile]