
A teenage entrepreneur turns goth for a day

Owen Thomas · 07/05/07 03:21PM

Most teenagers are convinced of their own immortality. But not Ben Casnocha, the famed teenage entrepreneur, book author, and ladies' man. A week from tomorrow, Casnocha is convening a salon to discuss a "'CEO approach' to dying." Never mind that Casnocha hasn't figured out a "CEO approach" to, say, actually doing business. I'm sure that he'll assemble a room full of graybeards who will listen raptly as he gives his thoughts on the hereafter — even though they're on much better speaking terms with the Grim Reaper than Casnocha. After the jump, the full invite.

An interview with author Ben Casnocha

Nick Douglas · 05/24/07 05:47PM

NICK DOUGLAS — After my boss (and this site's editor) wrote a bitchy little post making fun of the author and self-described "very young CEO" Ben Casnocha for running a mere million-dollar business (Come on, he had six years to build it! Nevermind that in year 1, he was 12) he asked for a "rude" interview with Casnocha. Below, the author of "My Startup Life" explains why an inexperienced 19-year-old can teach "established businesspeople" basic principles and why Marc Benioff, the old-guard exec who wrote Casnocha's foreword, isn't as nasty as everyone says.