A teenage entrepreneur turns goth for a day

Most teenagers are convinced of their own immortality. But not Ben Casnocha, the famed teenage entrepreneur, book author, and ladies' man. A week from tomorrow, Casnocha is convening a salon to discuss a "'CEO approach' to dying." Never mind that Casnocha hasn't figured out a "CEO approach" to, say, actually doing business. I'm sure that he'll assemble a room full of graybeards who will listen raptly as he gives his thoughts on the hereafter — even though they're on much better speaking terms with the Grim Reaper than Casnocha. After the jump, the full invite.
Most of you know I'm co-founder of the Silicon Valley Junto, an intellectual salon for Silicon Valley types modeled around Ben Franklin's self-help philosophical society. Each quarter entrepreneur Chris Yeh and I convene an invited group of business and technology executives for a conversation over lunch.
On Friday, July 13th, 2007 at 12 noon in downtown San Francisco we're gathering to discuss a most joyful topic: death! Our topic is "Dying Well," and we'll be talking about issues of mortality — what role our inevitable expiration should play on a day-to-day basis, how we talk to our children and loved ones about decline, and whether there is such a thing as a "CEO approach" to dying.
Many of us have been moved by Eugene O'Kelly's book "Chasing Daylight." It's not required that you read the book to participate, but it is a helpful story to begin thinking about these issues.
I would like to invite you join us for lunch for good food and good conversation in an intimate setting. Last quarter, for our topic on storytelling, we filled up within 24 hours and had an extended wait list. First come, first serve!
If you can come please add your name to the wiki:
If you can't use the wiki you can RSVP to this email.
Note: We will be gathering in Palo Alto on July 12th at noon, if that is more convenient for you.
I hope you can join us!
My best,
Ben Casnocha
- Author of "My Start-Up Life" (Jossey-Bass, 2007)
- Book web site: http://www.mystartuplife.com
- Buy it on Amazon.com:
- My blog: http://ben.casnocha.com