
Boehner Stands Strong in Defense of Stupid People

Max Read · 02/14/11 03:17AM

One of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed to us in the constitution is the freedom to think whatever the hell we want, about anything. It's constantly under attack, from teachers, and schools, and so-called "facts," but at least one politician still believes in it:

Why Are Conservatives 'Turning' on Glenn Beck?

Jim Newell · 02/09/11 03:07PM

Ever since the Egyptian protests began two weeks ago, the conservative movement has been struggling to spread a lockstep message through its top spokespeople.

Iowa Voters Don't Trust Obama on Egypt Because He's Muslim

Jim Newell · 02/08/11 03:48PM

Fox News put together a focus group of likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers to watch President Obama's pre-Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly and gauge their reactions. So why were the reactions so negative when he was giving fairly boilerplate responses to O'Reilly's questions about the Egyptian uprising and any potential threats posed by the Muslim Brotherhood?

This Year In Islamophobia

Jim Newell · 12/29/10 12:50PM

Nine years after Sept. 11, 2001, America saw perhaps its worst outbreak of Islamophobia since the attacks.

Does This Domed Christian Church Look Muslim to You?

Jim Newell · 11/15/10 05:58PM

A non-denominational Christian church under construction in Phoenix will have a dome. A dome on a church? To neighborhood residents, this doesn't add up. It must be a mosque, from which Islamic radicals will impose Sharia law on America.

Does This Google Veterans Day Logo Look Muslim to You?

Jim Newell · 11/11/10 01:45PM

Boy howdy, Google has done it now! The company's special Veterans Day logo this year, you see, features a mysterious crescent shape. And you know who loves crescent shapes? The Muslims. Yeah, some people are actually upset about this.