
Live: American Idol's Top 12 Perform

Matt Cherette · 03/16/11 06:20PM

Well, it's that time again! Tonight—from 8:00 to 10:00 PM, live on FOX—this season's American Idol Top 12 will perform for the judges' critiques and our votes. Want in on the action? Your open thread is inside.

The Christian 'Fuck You' Remix: 'Bless You'

Hamilton Nolan · 03/16/11 09:55AM

The New York Times trips and stumbles all over itself today in an entire article about songs with the work "Fuck" which does not contain the word "Fuck." Your prayer is answered, NYT: "Bless You," the Christian remix of Cee-Lo's blasphemous hit. Completely soothing to the easily-offended sensibilities of New York Times editors! (Except for that keyboard player.)

What Would U2 Sound Like Without The Echo Effects

Blair Baxter · 03/15/11 10:00PM

Most everyone can can identify U2 because of The Edges distinct guitar sound. The comedian Bill Bailey asks what would happen during a catastrophic sound failure at a U2 gig?

Is This the Sickest Bar Mitzvah Video Ever?

Marie Bardi · 03/15/11 03:25PM

Apparently young men and women of the Jewish faith now making elaborate music videos with dance breakdowns where they brag about "singing in the shul."

The 11 Buzziest Bands at SXSW 2011

Remy Stern · 03/15/11 02:39PM

The music festival component of South by Southwest kicks off this Wednesday in Austin, where record company people, media, sponsors, and probably Bill Murray will spend the following four days in delirious pursuit of the event's hottest commodity: buzz.

Of the 2,000 or so bands scheduled to perform, a handful have spent the past few months steadily accumulating blog and word-of-mouth hype. Making a good impression here will be an important early step in their ascent (after that, it goes: song placement in Virgin Mobile commercial, appearance on next Twilight soundtrack, Kanye West sample/collaboration). So in honor of the year—but really because it was so hard to narrow it down to ten—here are 11 essential buzz bands playing at SXSW 2011.

Before Rebecca Black There Was "My Jeans" by Jenna Rose

Lisa Gagliardi · 03/15/11 01:45PM

Who knows why "My Jeans" didn't gain as much success as "Friday" but what we are learning is that there are many more of these terrible songs out there. So. which is easier to listen to?

'My Jeans' Music Video Reaches New Teen Music Heights

Richard Lawson · 03/15/11 11:25AM

If you thought the gloriously auto-tuned, lyrically adventurous stable of teen songs over at the Ark Music Factory were something, then please watch "My Jeans," a video from someone named Jenna Rose, a young actress who, unlike those Ark Music amateurs, has several other videos on her resume. (Most of them are about picking out outfits. Because that is what girls are all about! Remember that, my future daughter.) It's not right to mock a child, so let's not do that. Ms. Rose is a friend of the gays, so snaps to her for that! Anyway, enjoy.

Good Charlotte's New Video is an Episode of Family Double Dare

Whitney Jefferson · 03/14/11 05:00PM

Yes, Good Charlotte is that band who's simply uncool to admit you listen to. But if your dignity will allow it, take some time to watch their latest video—a perfect reenactment of Double Dare, complete with Marc Summers!

Chilean Singer Surprises in Talent Show as Shakira Sound-Alike

Junior Mendez · 03/14/11 01:30PM

The panel of judges and audience alike were stunned at the sound that came out of this contestant's mouth. What they heard was an uncanny resemblance to pop sensation Shakira's voice. Go ahead, close your eyes...

The Queen Mother Was a Ska Fan

Max Read · 03/13/11 08:55PM

The Queen Mother's private record collection has been released! (You were, no doubt, awaiting this moment with bated breath.) She was, unsurprisingly, a big fan of musicals (The King and I and Oklahoma!), as well as, apparently, ska:

Watch Zach Galifianakis' Hilariously Random SNL Monologue

Matt Cherette · 03/13/11 12:03AM

Tonight, Zach Galifianakis is hosting Saturday Night Live, and—if his monologue was any indication—we're in for a funny evening. Because he absolutely killed it. Hilarious stand-up jokes, awkward silences, and an Annie lip sync?! Like. A. Boss.

Is This the Worst Music Video Ever?

Matt Cherette · 03/12/11 07:41PM

If you can stomach it—I'm not exaggerating—here's the music video for teen "artist" Rebecca Black's "Friday," which has been exploding all over the Internet this weekend. My pug could write better lyrics. And my pug is dumb.

Watch the Die Antwoord Video for "Rich Bitch"

Madeleine Davies · 03/11/11 07:30PM

You either love Die Antwoord, the (rumoredly fake) rave-rap group from South Africa, or you hate them. Either way, you have to admit that their (very gold) video for "Rich Bitch" is off the freaking wall.