The Queen Mother's private record collection has been released! (You were, no doubt, awaiting this moment with bated breath.) She was, unsurprisingly, a big fan of musicals (The King and I and Oklahoma!), as well as, apparently, ska:

[Official biographer] Mr Shawcross revealed that the Queen Mother, who died aged 101 in 2002, picked up an appreciation for West Indian music during visits to Jamaica.

He said: ‘During one of her trips to the Caribbean in the Sixties she was introduced to ska music, which she became very fond of.

Not having known the Queen Mother, who died last year in 2002 at 101, we can't say for certain which ska she listened to, so we're holding out hope it was third-wave American college faves Reel Big Fish. What else did she like? Paul Simon's "You Can Call Me Al," apparently. (Good choice!) And this 1967 single from The Scaffold (a band that featured Paul McCartney's brother Mike), to which she "used to relish instigating an after-dinner singalong."

[An aide] said: ‘She was particularly fond of the track Thank U Very Much, but was under a slight misapprehension over the line "Thank you very much for our gracious team".

'She misheard that and believed it was "Our gracious Queen".

[Daily Mail]