
Iran Bans Necklaces, Shorts on Men

Max Read · 06/14/11 09:46PM

The Iranian government, which last year banned the mullet, calling it a "decadent western [hair]cut," is reportedly deploying some 70,000 literal fashion police to enforce the newest style Dos and Don'ts of the "moral security plan." For women, this means no more loose-fitting headscarves, tight jackets or exposed leg skin; for men, no necklaces and no shorts. (Also, no "glamorous hairstyles.") Last year, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad voiced his disapproval of the recent crackdown; earlier this year, the Iranian parliament attempted to ban dog ownership. [The Guardian; image via AP]

Sweatpants Ninja is Internet's Newest Hero

Mike Byhoff · 01/19/10 03:01PM

Please sit down for this. Seriously, just do it. Actually, no, stand up. You will probably need to run away in terror. Because the combination of this kid's sword, his sweatpants, and his awesome mullet, will probably kill you.