
Hamilton Nolan · 03/27/15 10:16AM

Why are hedge funds rushing to rebrand themselves as anything besides "hedge funds?" As one hedge fund manager explains, "Labels can create a lot of emotions."

Millennials Are Buying Houses, Are You?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/15 12:47PM

You know who just bought a house? A new house? Ayden, and Kylie, and tens of thousands of their "millennial" generation friends. Did you also buy a house? Or no?

The Student Debt Situation Is Very Bad, Obviously

Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/15 09:47AM

Student debt, like global warming, is one of those rare categories of news in which the latest news is always worse, never better. How are the very latest numbers? Bad!

Income Inequality vs. Wealth Inequality

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/15 03:14PM

In the past few years, economic inequality has become a mainstream political issue. We often hear politicians speak about “income inequality.” We should be speaking about wealth inequality, instead.

The Most Successful Industry of the Past Century

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/15 02:03PM

What do you think the most successful industry in America has been in the past 100 years? A hint: it's home to the most successful company of the past 50 years.

Art in Money Prison 

Hamilton Nolan · 02/04/15 02:07PM

Art is free to create. Art is free to experience. Art belongs to all of us. Art is, in many ways, the opposite of money. And when you mix art with money, this is what you get: art that is wasted.

Debt Forgiveness Is Real

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/15 05:00PM

Croatia is doing one of the most utopian economic experiments you can imagine: it is clearing its poorest citizens of all their debts. Is this a good idea? Yes. Is it the only idea? Not at all.

The United States of Inequality

Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/15 05:22PM

Economic inequality in America has been steadily increasing for three decades. Since the recession, only the very rich have made out well. Now, we have data on the individual U.S. states where the class war is being lost most severely.