
Give Everyone Money

Hamilton Nolan · 02/24/16 02:53PM

The economy, both at home and abroad, needs stimulating. Governments have been trying to do this since the 2008 recession, without full success. Is it time to just... give everyone some money?

Hedge Funds Have Sucked For a Decade

Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/16 06:02PM

Each and every hedge fund investor in the world believes that he is paying all that money to a hedge fund manager because he has one of the really good hedge funds. The reality is, most hedge fund investors are suckers.

Study: Building Luxury Housing for Gentrifiers Helps The Poor

Hamilton Nolan · 02/12/16 12:46PM

Creating enough affordable housing is one of the hardest political and economic challenges in the world. (If you think you know an easy answer, you’re wrong!) Here is a new piece of data that could “add to our understanding,” and make everyone mad.

Uh Oh, Bad Things Are Happening

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/16 09:19AM

For months now, the world has been zapped periodically by mini financial panics, a sign that money people everywhere are extremely skittish. This morning, we have all the makings of a very bad day.

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/16 04:48PM

Goldman Sachs analysts are getting attention for speculating that if corporate profit margins stay at their abnormally high levels, it may raise fundamental questions about “the efficacy of capitalism.” But don’t fool yourself—Goldman Sachs is far too sophisticated to believe that capitalism “works.”

Wall Street's Political Influence Is Growing

Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/16 12:05PM

The latest numbers on presidential campaign donations for this election cycle show that even while all the candidates are vowing to take on Wall Street, the political power of Wall Street’s money is increasing.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/26/16 12:49PM

“‘As I’m looking for a job, spending this kind of money shocks me,’ Hansen says of her $14,000 annual fitness budget, ‘but it keeps me sane.’” Some people value fitness classes very highly.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/16 11:31AM

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down (another) 400 points so far today, as oil prices continue to fall with no end in sight and a major investment bank announces new layoffs. Like 2008, this will be a year of panic. Prepare.

A Legitimate Way to Get Out of Your Student Loans

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/16 09:18AM

There are millions of onetime college students in America who owe huge sums of money for student loans that bought them an education that turned out to have little market value. Now, there may be a ray of hope for their financial future.