
Last Minute Mother's Day Gifts: A Guide

Richard Lawson · 05/07/10 03:31PM

Sunday is Mother's Day, guys. Did you forget?? Well don't worry, you still have two more days to get something nice for the lady what made you. Here are our guaranteed-to-please gift ideas.

16 and Pregnant: Keep on the Sunny Side

Florabel Mulvaney · 04/14/10 04:20PM

Even as your dreams get dashed one by one. Lizzie had a full future planned: college, marriage, professional flautistry... But motherhood shoves all that off the table. Still, she adjusts her ambitions and carries on.

16 and Pregnant: A Faceful of Comeuppance

Florabel Mulvaney · 04/07/10 03:41PM

While on the rebound from a relationship of 3 years, Leah got more than she bargained for. Twins! Along with that she got doting Corey, who's employed and has a house. But she can't stop thinking about Robbie...

How to Not Be A Soccer Mom

Alison Flood · 04/05/10 10:00AM

This video basically teaches you how not to lose your personality in the throws of motherhood. It also tells you that tailgating at your childrens' games is acceptable, and so is taking your shirt off after soccer.

My Mom's On Facebook

Whitney Jefferson · 12/01/09 05:42PM

This cheese-tastic video reminds us a little too much of the "" jingle, but it channels a pain that all too many of us currently face. Let's face it, facebook is simply not cool anymore.

But What Will Parenthood Mean For Your Yuppie Fitness Routine?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/01/09 10:17AM

Parenthood these days: It is full of challenges, or so we hear! As a parent, will you be able to successfully continue jogging? And what about your tennis game, and the peer pressure that goes with it? Parenting is hard!

Twitter Mom Power! Innocuous Ads Successfully Banned

Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/08 11:12AM

Haven't we warned you people that Twitter and all of its attendant microtrends are nothing but trouble? That also goes for "the internet" and "bloggers," and especially for "mom bloggers," a particularly virulent and dangerous subset. Corporate America has now learned this lesson the hard way. The outrage of Twitter moms has forced the big bad Motrin corporation to pull its totally innocent ad campaign for aspirin. Power to the people! Detect the horrible offense here for yourself:

A Mother Responds to Palin Emailgate

Pareene · 09/17/08 04:36PM

Here is one of the many charming emails your editors have received since we reposted some emails that were hacked and originally posted by Anonymous earlier today, and then called a phone number. Now the "bloggers post their hate mail so you can point and laugh" routine is dead tired, but this one invokes your day editor's mom! "You obviously are too immature to realize that this is a pregnant woman you are bothering. Ask your mom if she approves." We went to your day editor's mom for comment.

Matthew McConaughey's Mom Recalls The Time His Father Expired Inside Her

Seth Abramovitch · 08/27/08 11:50AM

Behind every great man is a great mom—and no one knows that more than Tropic Thunder star Matthew McConaughey, who appears to have chosen a perfectly lovely one to bear him a son, suitable for toting to red carpet events and John Mellencamp concerts in a Coleman beer cooler. But what of McConaughey himself? To whom can we attribute his uncompromisingly freewheeling spirit, his Southern sophistication, and, yes, his undeniable sexual ferocity? To put it a little more floridly: Who planted little Matthew's placenta beneath a tree, and tended to it lovingly until it bore fruit? We now have an answer:

No One Can Be a Secret Lesbian in Peace Anymore

Sheila · 07/24/08 02:21PM

"Just found out the the former President of my company is a lesbian. She was married w/ 4 kids! HINT—I work in Publishing," whispers a snitch on the YouBeMom parenting messageboard. No, not Bonnie Fuller, the secret lesbian was an "editor," someone else chimes in. Or, wait: "Wasn't an editor, she was in Advertising.. she has her own company now." Despite the unholy thread that unspools, we still have no idea who the secret lesbian—posited to be somewhere inside Conde Nast—could be. In case you were wondering what else these moms have on their shriveled little minds:Other quality threads include,