
The Oscars' Biggest Misses

Matt Toder · 02/26/12 10:45AM

The Oscars are the definitive award for motion pictures, the highest achievement in film. But, the Academy has been known to make some bone-headed decisions in the past giving awards to inferior films or performances while passing up clearly superior fare. These are Oscar's biggest misses.

Multimillionaire New Yorker Hospitalized After Manic $20 Million Shopping Spree

John Cook · 02/14/12 11:19AM

With a $100 million fortune made from selling miniature ceramic houses, Ed Bazinet is one of New York's richest men. His TriBeCa apartment is worth $28 million, and he was featured Richistan, Robert Frank's 2007 book about the super-wealthy. Two weeks ago, he suffered a manic break and purchased a whopping $20 million worth of expensive kitsch over the course of five days at the New York International Gift Fair.

Christopher Hitchens' Unforgivable Mistake

John Cook · 12/16/11 12:57PM

The outpouring of grief, goodwill, and teary encomia that has attended news of Christopher Hitchens' passing would—if he was anything like the persona he presented in print—have turned his stomach. He loathed sentiment, welcomed combat, and delighted in inflicting hard truths. In that spirit, it must not be forgotten in mourning him that he got the single most consequential decision in his life horrifically, petulantly wrong.

Idiot SWAT Team Tried to Catch Guy Who Was Already in Prison

Lauri Apple · 12/10/11 07:00PM

After collecting tips from (drunk? bath salts-addled?) witnesses and obtaining a warrant, a Santa Maria, California SWAT team stormtroopered the home of Hope and Javier Bravo Sr. in search of their son, Javier Bravo Jr. But he was already incarcerated. Which seems like something they should have known!

Murder Suspect Goes Free After DA Forgets to Indict Him

Lauri Apple · 11/21/11 05:55AM

One morning not long ago, Fort Bend (Texas) District Attorney John Healey was sitting at his kitchen table and updating his to-do list: "Make pozole for office party? Check. Pay mortgage? Check. Buy dog food? Check. Indict that dude Richard for murder?... Aw, crap."

Idiot Doctors Blame Man's Pain on a Past Hysterectomy

Lauri Apple · 11/12/11 04:05PM

When New Zealander Les Kennington, who is a man, visited a health clinic complaining about severe stomach pains, doctors suggested that his past hysterectomy might be to blame. They know he had a hysterectomy because his medical report says so. Why does it say so, though, given that Kennington is a man?

Police Sent Winehouse's Death Report to Wrong Address

Maureen O'Connor · 10/25/11 01:31PM

Everyone has been waiting to see what the Scotland Yard's inquest into Amy Winehouse's death finds, and the Yard is finally done with writing the report. But—oops!—they mailed it to the wrong address by accident.

Oh, Weed Spots Don't Actually Reduce Crime

Hamilton Nolan · 10/25/11 08:18AM

What if I told you that having a medical marijuana dispensary near you could actually reduce crime in your neighborhood? You'd probably be like "duuuude," or some other stereotypically "stoner" thing, because your "glaucoma treatment" has been particularly good lately. Well, snap out of it, man: I'm here to tell you that a medical marijuana dispensary does not reduce crime in your neighborhood after all!

Woman Jailed 53 Days for Having the Name 'Teresa'

Lauri Apple · 10/19/11 04:55AM

A special message for all you Teresas out there: stay the hell out of Atlanta for a while. If you already live there, flee at once! Otherwise you could be arrested and jailed for almost two months because of your first name, like Teresa Culpepper was.

Moron Student Who Accused Jewish Prof of Anti-Semitism: I Am The Victim Here

Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/11 09:19AM

Yesterday, we brought you the story of Sarah Grunfeld, the 22 year-old student at York University who ran out and publicly accused her (Jewish) sociology professor of anti-Semitism when he said the phrase "Jews should be sterilized"—as an example of a bad opinion. Grunfeld's reasoning: "The words, ‘Jews should be sterilized' still came out of his mouth, so regardless of the context I still think that's pretty serious."