
Jay Hathaway · 05/15/15 08:20AM

Missouri’s Republican Speaker of the House, John Diehl, resigned Thursday after his incredibly boring sexts with a 19-year-old capitol intern became public. “I am willing to face the consequences,” he announced. :kiss emoji:

Spokesman For Politician Who Committed Suicide Also Commits Suicide

Jordan Sargent · 03/30/15 12:25PM

Just over a month ago, Tom Schweich, a Republican candidate for governor of Missouri, shot himself in his home outside St. Louis. This weekend, his spokesman and media director Spence Jackson did the same at his apartment in Jefferson City.

Dirtbag Family Teaches Six-Year-Old "Stranger Danger" By Kidnapping Him

Aleksander Chan · 02/06/15 11:45AM

In a disturbing lesson about not talking to strangers, a six-year-old boy was forced to endure four terrifying hours of being "kidnapped" by his family members. The boy's mother, aunt, and grandmother allegedly conspired with a gas station employee to abduct the child, hold him at gunpoint, and threaten to sell him into sex slavery.

Ferguson Prosecutor's Idiot Speech Blames Everyone But Darren Wilson

Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/24/14 10:16PM

Ferguson prosecutor Robert McCulloch delivered a long-winded, smirking speech blaming social media, journalists, Ferguson residents, and pretty much everyone else who isn't Darren Wilson, for Darren Wilson shooting and killing 18-year-old Michael Brown.