
Adam Weinstein · 03/28/14 01:20PM

"I have nightmares about me seeing my naked body on the Internet," Maricopa's vice mayor said, by way of explaining why he'd posted "We need more Fred Phelps in this world... May you rest in peace sir" on his Facebook wall.

Me: Asian Guy Looking For Love On the Set of Girls

Leah Beckmann · 05/25/12 10:20AM

Hey girl, have you been on the set of Girls in the last two days? Well, if you have brown hair and are tallish, the only not-white guy is looking for you. So shuffle on off that Greenpoint sound stage—you're no extra in this love story.

Union Square Is the Loneliest Place in New York City

Brian Moylan · 11/11/11 02:04PM

There's 74 katrillion people in New York and sometimes it seems like there is absolutely no one, especially when you start researching that great post-modern cry for romantic attention: the Craigslist "Missed Connection" ad. Where do most of these missed connections happen? In Union Square.

Jennie Garth Has Left the Building

cityfile · 08/06/09 10:53AM

We're deeply, deeply sorry. Early this morning, we were reminded that Beverly Hills 90210's Jennie Garth would be appearing at the TJMaxx on Sixth Avenue from 12-2 to kick off "'back-to-school season," but we completely forgot to mention it, and now the opportunity has been lost forever. That said, we promise to notify you well in advance should Tiffani-Amber Thiessen decide to make any appearances at a nearby Forever 21. Can you forgive us? We do hope so.

Tragic "NY Girl Of My Dreams" Breakup Confirmed

Ryan Tate · 07/28/08 03:20AM

The passive-aggressive love story of Vimeo employee Patrick Moberg and his subway crush, Camille Hayton, has drawn to a close. The couple, you'll recall, met after Moberg spotted Hayton on the subway, then used his website to solicit help tracking her down. Romance bloomed, or seemed to. Rumors later swirled about a breakup, but then the couple was in a magazine for olds inspiring everyone with their love. But then someone ran into Hayton while she was waitressing and asked her about being the subway girl and she was all, "that was SUCH a long time ago" in her Australian accent. It sounded like a bad sign and, as it turns out, it was.

Grabbing some love upstairs at Google

Melissa Gira Grant · 07/18/08 03:40PM

"You asked if I was headed upstairs for a meeting and I said, "not exactly. I am here for GoogleApps." Oh, Pink Scarf Girl. We want to find your Missed Connections "Moment" Man, too. White, male, 20s, dressed casual? Who could that be? Just be sure to use protection with what you're grabbing "downstairs," too. The best in daycare is so pricey these days.

Gossip Girl's Missed Love Connection

Richard Lawson · 06/27/08 10:00AM

From the mixed up files of Craigslist comes a Missed Connection from a dude who must be an actor or some sort of bigwig behind-the-scenes person on raggedy teen soap Gossip Girl. The show has been filming in the Hamptons recently and this CL poster was enamored with a bikini-clad blonde nymph, an extra who had "the body of a goddess." And don't worry, blondie, your Romeo is fairly certain you'll figure it out—"if you see this you probably know who I am," he writes, romantically. So are you out there, dreamgirl? Do you know who he is? If not, read more about yourself and your thwarted romance after the jump.

Free Wifi Tattoo?

Sheila · 06/17/08 12:00PM

"Did your tattoo say 'free wifi'?" asks a 21-year-old Craigslister of a girl he saw on the L train, adding that he "would really like to know."